Wednesday, 18 May 2022 15:11

Every day is a new day

Each of us, waking up in the morning, programs ourselves for a new blessed day. But it is true: every good morning gives us a time of renewal. And this is the time to change something in your life for the better. Get started with these simple tips. Because everything ingenious is simple!

* Do not abuse strong coffee and tea (it would be better to completely abandon them). Within a couple of weeks, you will feel more calm and balanced, it will be easier to fall asleep, and even your complexion will improve.

* Reduce the amount of salt in your food. And you will see how excess weight begins to go away and morning puffiness disappears.

* Do not drink sugary and carbonated drinks, but quench your thirst with water.

* Do not eat up at night and then your dreams will become bright, and morning awakening - light and joyful.

* Always keep your back straight when walking and sitting. This will help you improve your memory, get rid of back pain and headaches.

* Turn off the TV (phones, gadgets) 2 hours before bedtime, and you will begin to see not other people’s pictures, but your own creative impulses and desires.

* Mentally give beautiful gifts, smile, positivity to people who you don’t like or offended you with something and imagine them joyful. Gradually, you will find how they begin to change for the better.

* Smile more often. Within a month, you will find that all the people around you have become safe and so familiar to you.

* Abstract from difficulties and problems, learn to let them go. At one fine moment, you will suddenly realize that the situation has either disappeared or has completely ceased to excite you.

* Look around more often: at the sky, trees, grass, listen to the sounds of nature... Try to see the beauty and goodness in everything.

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