Friday, 18 November 2022 13:30

The head of the "Languages" department Ph.D. Assoc. proff. T.I Sultanov visited "Zarafshon" community of Toylok region.The event was held in the neighborhood based on the principle of "One intellectual, one neighborhood's spiritual sponsor"

 As part of the weekly educational activities held by the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage in the neighborhoods of Samarkand region, University teacher T.I. Sultanov visited the "Zarafshon" community of Toylok district.

During the visit, a roundtable discussion was held among the citizens and youth of the neighborhood based on the principle of "One intellectual for one neighborhood."

Together with neighborhood activists, neighborhood youth interviews were organized and families in need of assistance were informed about the wide-scale reforms and wide opportunities currently being carried out in our Republic. The students of the general education school located in the area of ​​the neighborhood were given detailed information about the available courses of study at the university. The future plans were discussed with neighborhood activists and the work to be done was determined.

During the interview, the young people were informed about the large-scale reforms and wide opportunities currently being carried out in our republic. Organized and non-organized youth in the neighborhood were given detailed information about the available educational programs at our university. In the future, they were given guidance on choosing a profession.

Monitoring was carried out in the neighborhood during a roundtable discussion with organized and non-organized youth. Methodological support was given in relation to identified shortcomings. A question and answer session was held with young people and opinions were exchanged about how to get young people interested in entering OTM and their chosen profession, and giving them the right directions. The visit was very informative and detailed.

Citizens and young people of "Zarafshon" neighborhood took an active part in the event. During the event, the citizens of the neighborhood were informed about the rational policies and the attention paid to the fields currently being carried out in our country. The youth of the neighborhood were interviewed on the topic of choosing the right profession in the future. During the interview, detailed information was given about "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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