Wednesday, 11 January 2023 15:37

Be masters of your own home!

Psychologist’s column

I would like to share with you an excerpt from the book «Work on Yourself! 12 Steps to Self-Healing» by Mirzakarim Norbekov, a doctor of psychology and the author of a unique teaching and healing methodology that has returned the joy of a healthy, full life to millions of people around the world. I hope that each of you will also take your first steps towards a happy reality.

We live in our bodies like tenants, in the same way we treat the processes that take place in them. Now is the time to privatize our temporary residence and begin to repair it as true owners.

First, let's take a closer look at what is happening in our home. The water is dripping from the faulty faucet, the toilet is clogged, the door is creaking, and the window frames have moved so that there is a draft. Yes, many problems can cause headaches. In such a situation, you should completely forget about laziness. So, make sure, and most importantly - genuinely believe that you are doing the work and making progress. Confidence in victory gives a person strength and inspires him to even greater achievements.

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