Tuesday, 07 February 2023 22:05

Condolences to the brotherly Turkish people

As is known, as a result of a strong earthquake that occurred in the eastern part of the Republic of Turkey on February 6 this year, more than 10 cities and other settlements were destroyed, more than 4,500 people died, more than 27,000 were injured. In this regard, a week of mourning has been declared in the Republic of Turkey. Condolence registers have been opened in Turkish embassies and consulates abroad, and sympathy actions are being held. February 7, the First Vice-Rector of our university, prof. Juliboy Eltazarov visited the Consulate of the Republic of Turkey in Samarkand and expressed condolences to the Consul of the Republic of Turkey, Mr. Salih Caner, on behalf of the Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. Here he wrote and signed a notebook of condolences with wishes of peace and security to the fraternal Turkish people.

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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