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Thursday, 27 April 2023 14:40

The Republic of Korea’s Ambassador in Uzbekistan, Kim Hee-Sang, visits “Silk Road” International University

A delegation of the Republic of Korea led by the Ambassador of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Mr Kim Hee-Sang, visited “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

First Vice Rector J.Eltazarov warmly welcomed the distinguished guests. During the meeting, various projects such as increasing the pace of educational cooperation between Korean and Uzbek higher education institutions and working on joint educational programmes and research were promoted. During his speech, Mr Kim Hee-Sang said the areas of cooperation between the two nations are mainly focused on healthcare and education, and that tourism and cultural heritage should be established in line with the times. He noted that Korea and Uzbekistan are mainly aimed at developing cooperation in three directions:

  • Planned 900 units of educational literature on Korean culture and language to be provided to the university library.
  • Organising lectures by archaeologists and professors on the subject of restoration for students at our university and providing joint internships for university students at researched sites within the framework of this agency is carried out by the Korea Cultural Heritage Foudation (KCHF).
  • Student exchanges have been an important aspect in the development of educational cooperation, as well as in the conclusion of agreements on joint study and research.
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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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