Tuesday, 02 May 2023 12:55

Girl Leaders - the future of society

On May 1 this year there was a regular meeting of the club “Leader girls”, organized by the Womens Advisory Council of the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage on “Increasing social and political activity of women leaders - the need of the day”.

      Advisor on women affairs of mahalla Vatanparvar N. Norkulova, head of the department for work with youth and events N. Abduvakhidova, psychologist of the University D. Turdieva, active member of the club D. Obidova were invited to the event. Moderator M.Abbasova made a welcoming speech and explained that activity and initiative is a requirement of today, the key to a successful and happy life. In her speech N.Abduvakhidova told about the current status of women in society, shared her rich life experience and valuable advice.

      N. Norkulova, guest of the event, noted that the institution of mahalla and family is a factor determining a woman’s place in the society, a symbol of a prosperous life. D. Obidova, who during her 2nd year of correspondence course managed to get diplomas from two foreign universities (Berlin Institute in Germany, Lincoln University in Malaysia), made a presentation about her achievements and successes and gave great motivation to the girls.

      Psychologist D. Turdieva spoke in detail about leadership skills, psychological criteria, and held a motivational training on Leadership - the key to success. The event left a positive impression on all participants.

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Published in Students life


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