Thursday, 01 June 2023 10:03

Your initiative is for your future!

Nowadays, a great deal of attention is being paid to women in our country. All conditions are being created for their active participation in various spheres of our society. In order to realize their abilities and opportunities in the system of work with female students in various fields and sectors, on June 1, 2023, chairwoman of Women’s Council of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage M.Abbasova and Head of the Youth Work and Activities Department N.Abduvohidova together held a roundtable on the theme “What exactly causes you gratitude?”, “Your goal in life?”, “Did you choose this profession with enthusiasm?”.

Chairwoman of Women’s Council at the round table M.Abbasova congratulating married female students with children on the 1st of June - the International Children's Day, began her speech with a phrase of A.Avloni “Girls should strive for knowledge like no one else, because with this knowledge they will bring up the future generation”, and separately spoke about development of broad world outlook, intellectual potential, creative and analytical thinking of students, increasing their interest in science and active participation in ongoing reforms. Young students told poems praising women, and their reactions to today's reforms appealed to absolutely everyone.

For those of our girls who need socio-psychological support, we organised an individual interview and a questionnaire called “Journeys into the past and the future”. The aim of organising the training was to create circles with the girls’ interests in mind.

Moderators, chairwoman of Women’s Council of the University M.Abbasova, Head of the Youth Work and Activities Department N.Abduvohidova closely interacted with our girls and gave them psychological advice so that they could live a happy and meaningful life. The workshop achieved the expected result.

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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