In order to promote healthy lifestyles and increase interest in sports among students, “Five Initiatives” and “Student League” sports competitions are also held at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. As part of the competitions, the students of our university competed with each other in such a sport as volleyball.
On the occasion of 11 October, the “International Day of the Girl”, activities and competitions are held every year to attract attention to the social problems of girls around the world.
On the occasion of this date, on 14 October of this year, in cooperation with the Women's Council and the Department of Languages and Global Studies, an essay competition was held among students on the theme 2There is no place for violence in our society2 under the slogan “I am against violence”.
In the contest, at the first stage, our university was distinguished by the activity of female students. According to the results of the contest;
1st place student of group 124 Nilufar Oymamatova
2nd place student of 124 group Komila Ergasheva
On 14 October of this year, Marat Akhmedjanov, Deputy Chairman of Silk Road Media Holding, visited our university. D. Nasimov, the first vice-rector for administrative affairs of our university, welcomed the guests.
Today this media holding actively participates in a number of projects in many countries of the world. During the dialogue there was an exchange of views on the possibilities to further enhance the international image of our university. Silk Road Media Group has been publishing OCA Magazine in English in London since 2009. The magazine popularises national cultures and is known for its coverage of events.
Today, on 14 October, our university hosted the 26th International Educational and Professional Exhibition. At the educational exhibition higher educational institutions of Russia, Kazakhstan, Lithuania and our country demonstrated their educational directions. Samarkand high school graduates, applicants took an active part in this exhibition and got answers to all their questions. It is important that the specialists of marketing and admission department of our university also took an active part in this exhibition and told the participants of the event in detail about the activities of our university and types of directions.
On 14 October of the current year, in order to ensure the implementation of the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan PD-60, professors and teachers of the Department of Tourism of Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage organised a 7-hour special training seminar on ‘Services and products in tourism’ in accordance with the developed training program.
The seminar was attended by 20 participants, including chairmen of mahallas located in the tourism and recreation zone, assistant governors and entrepreneurs, as well as specialists working in the recreation zone.
The seminars are conducted by highly qualified professors and teachers of the Tourism Department of the university.
A competition will be announced till 29 October of this year on the theme “Youth Say No to Corruption!” and in the nominations “Best essays”, “Best videos”, “Best photos”. The competition is open to students studying in all courses of the university.
The winners of the competition will be awarded by the organisers. Please submit the creative works that the candidates have prepared for the competition to the Compliance Department, which is located in room 238 of the university.
Show your abilities in the competition and win with your creative work!
On October 11, on the occasion of the International Day of the Girl, the administration and women's council of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage from early morning met all women of the university in a festive mood and in the courtyard of the university were organized competitions in chess and table tennis under the slogan “I am for a healthy lifestyle!”.
Female students and our women working at the university took an active part in the event.
“Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage cooperates closely with prestigious German universities as well as with several leading international organizations. Eiko Otto, Advisor for Tourism and Regional Development of the German Organization for International Cooperation (GIZ), lectured to the students of our university. During the lecture, the international export delivered information to the students about the modern features of tourism.
This is a very important day for the students who received scholarships organised by the Department of Tourism. First scholarships awarded by the department were presented to the students. These scholarships are not only a reward for financial support but also for hard work, talent and dedication.
The scholarship winners are Marjona Ravshankulova, Shakhrizoda Sirojiddinova and Mirjalol Ochilov, who are distinguished for their academic achievements and innovative thinking in the field of tourism. In addition, these students inspire other students with their creative ideas and endeavours.
We congratulate the winners of the scholarship organised by the Department of Tourism.
On October 10 at the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation on the occasion of 11 October “International Day of the Girl”, the Chairperson of the Women’s Council of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage M.Abbasova and mentors of the clubs “Kizlarjan” and “Girl Leader” created under the Women’s Council Fatima and Zuhro Bakhromkulova took an active part in the republican forum “Club of Girls”, organised under the slogan “Your initiative - for your future”.
Importantly, active girls of our university spoke about the forum in interviews with the national media.
In the second half of the day, active girls of our university took part in a meeting with senators in the Senate of the Oliy Majlis and got answers to their questions.
Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.
dummy+99866 240-67-68