

On 7 February this year, a meeting on “Women in Science and Education in the 21st Century; Achievements and Challenges” was organised at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage before the 11 February “International Day of Women and Girls in Science”. Professors, Heads of Departments and final year students consisting of women working in our university attended the event.

Chairwoman of the women’s committee of the university, who was the first to speak at the meeting, M.Abbasova said that in the following years, women have been active in the direction of science, along with all aspects of society, in which all women of our high country become an example for others.

After that, N.Abduvokhidova, head of the department of work with youth and mahalla, spoke at the event and told about the work carried out for the social protection of women working in the field of science at the university. It was noted that for the last year practical help was rendered to 20 women of our university. In addition, many students visited rented flats and hostels for girls. Also at the event, the head of the department of cultural heritage of the university M.Khakberidieva devoted her speech to the work of women in the field of science, university psychologist D. Turdieva expressed her opinion on such topics as close communication with some female students and psychological support for them.

During the heated roundtable discussion, the university's women’s committee spoke about fully supporting our women working in all fields of science and using all their strength and enthusiasm for this purpose.

On 6 February of this year the delegation headed by the Rector of the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) in Sofia (Bulgaria) Dimitar Dimitrov visited our university.

The honorary guests and vice-rectors for academic work of the university Prof. J.Hoffman and for scientific and innovative work Prof. T.Zou organised a meeting.

During the meeting the guests were informed in detail about the conditions created at the university, about the education system implemented on the basis of foreign standards.

During the dialogue, the Rector of the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) in Sofia, Bulgaria, Dimitar Dimitrov was proposed to establish cooperation within the framework of projects implemented for those wishing to study at the doctoral level at our university, and the initiative was supported.

For information: The University of National and World Economy (UNWE) in Sofia is the largest higher economic education institution in Bulgaria and South-Eastern Europe, with a 100-year history. The University has 43 undergraduate specialities and 108 master's specialities. The total number of students is more than 21,000. 

At the end of the meeting, the guests also visited the Academy of Tourism, where they were told that this major project is of great importance for the training of specialists in the field of tourism.

Mahmoud Emam, a lecturer of the Department of History and Cultural Heritage, conducted a practical session for the photo lab, where he spoke about the need for special skills in photographing cultural heritage materials. On this occasion, a group of senior students of our university took part in practical sessions on creating a documentary database on photography. They were given masterclasses on filming techniques using the necessary tools.

On February 3, 2024, at the Scientific seminar under  the Scientific Council No. DSc.33/01.02.2022.I.145.01 of the Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage in the field of economic sciences, independent researcher Tukhtamishov Aziz Kahramonovich's dissertation on the topic “Improving the economic mechanism of the cluster approach in the innovative development of the tourism sector” was discussed. In the continuation of the scientific seminar, scientifically based suggestions and recommendations of the researcher on improving the mechanism of innovative development of the tourism sector based on the cluster approach were discussed. It was emphasized by the members of the scientific seminar that the researcher’s dissertation work is sufficiently based on scientific innovations, and that this dissertation work fully meets with the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and researchers’dissertatsion  recommended for defending  at the Scientific Council .

On the same day, the dissertatsion work of  Khamzayeva Dilfuza Samarovna, independent  researcher of Termiz State University on the topic “The Priority of Diversification and Seasonalization of Tourist Products” which were  written for getting the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in Economic sciences, majoring in 08.00.17-“Tourism and Hotel activities” was held.

During the scientific seminar, analysis of the socio-economic nature of concepts related to the diversification of tourist products and systematization of theoretical views, researching the features of diversification and seasonalization of tourist products, determining the world experience of diversification and seasonalization of tourist products and the possibilities of using it in Uzbekistan, the state and trends of the development of tourism in the regions priority tasks such as analysis, analysis of economic indicators of seasonalization in the field of tourism of our country, diversification of tourist products and development of priority directions of seasonalization were discussed. The members of the scientific seminar pointed out the mistakes and shortcomings made by the researcher during the research and gave recommendations to eliminate the indicated shortcomings and emphasized that these shortcomings should be eliminated before the main defense of the dissertation work.

In the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the Strategy of Uzbekistan-2030” of September 11, 2023, the Head of State adopted this important document covering all spheres of life in our society. This document has become significant in a real sense, as it defined the socio-economic directions of our country’s development.

- As a long-time professor-teacher, I have carefully read this decree and received full information about the strategic steps of Uzbekistan until 2030, said First Vice-Rector of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, Professor J.Eltazarov.

This strategy “Uzbekistan-2030” devotes a separate section, in particular, to the further stage of development of higher education. It states that through the efforts of scientific organizations and educational institutions, it is necessary to improve the performance indicators of higher education institutions in accredited specialties. In 2018, “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, established on the initiative of our President, received the National Certificate based on the Statute “On the procedure of attestation and state accreditation of state educational institutions and non-state educational organizations”, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 470 of  June 7, 2019. The ultimate goal is to enter the thousand best universities in the world with future international certification and accreditation. Our university is currently carrying out all the organizational work in this direction.

And one more important issue.

In paragraph 11 of the Program “Measures to promote the study of Uzbek language and literature in foreign countries” approved according to Annex 1 to PR-19 of January 12, 2024 “On additional measures to increase the flow of tourists and further enhance the prestige of our country by promoting the study of history and culture, Uzbek language and literature in foreign countries” of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, until February 2024, the centers of Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi and “Uzbek Studies” departments of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage in cooperation with leading universities of foreign countries to strengthen research and educational programs, it is tasked to organize short intensive lectures, conduct joint research, and provide opportunities for young researchers to study.

It may also be noted that the Organisation for the Activity of Chairs “Uzbek Studies” of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage has been established in foreign educational and scientific organizations, which show great interest in the study of the rich scientific, historical, cultural and spiritual heritage of our country. In general, as a result of the implementation of these parallel decrees and resolutions, which are being promoted today by the head of our state, a very great consistency of reforms in all spheres is being ensured, which serves as a leading factor of changes in the socio-economic life of our people.

Juliboy Eltazarov

First Vice-Rector of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, Professor

In order to get acquainted with the living conditions of students and girls studying at our university, to see how formed the environment is, to study their perceptions of students, on 5 February of 2024 the chairperson of the women’s council of our university M.Abbasova and the first-year tutor G.Khusainova jointly visited the addresses of residence of young people who will live in the student dormitory.

During the visit, organised under the motto “We are all responsible for female students”, their compliance with fire and other technical safety requirements in combination with living conditions was also studied.

In fact, our values are particularly significant in that they are aimed at boosting the morale of our students and girls. Each female student was advised to always remember that they are students, to keep clean and tidy by following the rules in their rooms in the student hostel, and appropriate explanations were given on primary issues of fire and other technical safety.

Visits to the addresses of students living in the student dormitory continue.

The combination of theory and practice in tourism education brings excellent results. Today, students of all technical schools, which are part of our university, intern in hotels, tourist and service outlets of our country.

Now young people studying in the direction of vocational education have an opportunity to intern not only in our country, but also in countries where tourism is developed.

On 5 February of the current year between Tashkent Technical School of Tourism and Hotel Management and the Bulgarian company SMART Tour Ltd signed agreements on cooperation on conducting industrial and pre-graduation practice and advanced training of students of the technical school in hotels on the Black Sea coast.

The Government of the Republic of Belarus allocated 10 grant places for Uzbek nationals under the educational grants intended for foreign nationals for the academic year 2024/2025.

The grants are available for study in 10 educational areas of higher education institutions of Belarus on a bachelor's degree programme. Interested applicants should draw up documents in accordance with the established procedure and submit them to the Belarusian Embassy in Tashkent by 20 February this year. The Belarusian side selects candidates on the basis of the received documents.

         On 28 January of this year, the cooperation between the SCO Academy of Economics and Commerce of China and “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage organised interviews with 13 Chinese candidates for admission to the Basic Doctorate (PhD) programme.

         “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage admitted 12 foreign scholars studying in the following fields of study to higher education institutions for the basic doctoral programme (PhD).

* 08.00.05-Speciality of economics of the sphere of services

* 08.00.11-Marketing

* 08.00.13-Management

* 08.00.17-Tourism and hotel activity

         It should be noted that currently 75 per cent of the first-stage researchers studying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Institute of Higher Education (basic PhD) at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage are foreign researchers.

Monday, 05 February 2024 14:32


On 8 February of this year at 15:00 in room 229 the Department of Scientific Research and the teacher of the Department of Languages Nargiza Akhrorova will hold a seminar entitled “Introduction to APA 7, in-text citation and bibliographic list design”. We invite all those interested in this topic to attend the seminar.

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