

During the "Orientation Week" at the university, presentations were held to introduce the QUARTZ project under the ERASMUS+ program—"Quality Assurance for Reform and Transformation of Higher Education Institutions in Uzbekistan." The university team presented the content and significance of the project to talented students.

The presentations included information about the project's objectives, partners, the project's website, and links to its social media platforms. Students were encouraged to join the project's social media and actively participate in the research activities that will be carried out during the project's duration.

The QUARTZ project sparked significant interest among students. In response, representatives from the Student Parliament spoke up, urging all students to support the project, promote its visibility, and actively engage in all events organized throughout the project's activities.

The Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, the Academy of Sciences, the Centre for Spirituality and Enlightenment of the Republic, the Council for Higher Education of the Republic announced the holding of a large-scale Republican scientific and educational competition “Connoisseur of Reforms” among teaching staff and students of higher educational institutions.

Those wishing to take part in the large-scale republican scientific and educational competition “Connoisseur of Reforms” are kindly requested to apply to the department for work with youth and organisation of events till 15 September.

Today, September 30, in the conference hall of our university widely celebrated the holiday October 1 Teacher and Mentor Day. D. Nasimov, the first vice-rector of our university for administrative issues, made a speech at the festive event, and on behalf of the rector A.Abdukhakimov congratulated everyone on this holiday. It should be separately noted that in this academic year about 3000 thousand students of our university are studying under 117 local and about 10 foreign professors. Of them 6 professors, 25 associate professors, 15 senior lecturers, 35 assistant professors and 32 trainee lecturers.

Certainly, the prestige of each educational institution is determined by its scientific potential. Our achievements in this direction have been appreciated, and only this academic year teachers of our university Aziz Tukhtamishov, Siroj Samiev, Iroda Ablakulova, Nargiza Turdiyeva, Nilufar Rakhimova, Gavkhar Juraeva and Dilfuza Marupova were able to receive doctoral degrees for their PhD theses in the field of tourism, pedagogy and philology. We congratulate them on this high success.

In addition, 7 professors of the university publish their scientific achievements in journals with high impact factor in international scientific and technical databases (Web of Science, Scopus, Elsevier) in the form of articles in international highly rated journals such as Journal of Tourism Management Research, International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration.

The Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of our university J. Hoffman made a speech and congratulated all professors on the holiday and introduced them to professors from abroad. At the celebration a tea party was organized and certificates were presented to a group of professors who were active in the previous academic year.

Happy holiday dear esteemed professors and teachers of our university and staff!

On 28 September, a distinguished delegation from the Chinese Chamber of Tourism, led by Ji Xiadong and Song Xiadong, visited “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. Vice-rectors of the university D. Nasimov and T. Zou welcomed the guests. At first, the guests were carefully familiarised with the campus of the university. Then a meeting was held in the conference hall of the university, where they exchanged views on bilateral relations in the field of tourism. The guests also familiarised with the activities of the Academy of Tourism.

Dear professors and teachers of our university, I sincerely congratulate you on 1 October Teacher and Mentor Day celebrated today.

Today, a number of practical activities are being carried out to care and pay attention to the teacher and mentor in New Uzbekistan, in particular, in our country.

Today, the role of professors and teachers in training qualified professionals in the field of tourism and cultural heritage in New Uzbekistan is more important than ever. Our professors and teachers, who give all their knowledge and enthusiasm to students who work hard on their own, are honourably encouraged by our state.

Today, about 3,000,000 students of our university are studying under the guidance of 117 local professors and about 10 foreign professors. Of these, there are 6 professors, 25 associate professors, 15 senior lecturers, 35 assistant lecturers and 32 trainee lecturers. Certainly, the prestige of each educational institution is determined by its scientific potential. Our achievements in this direction have been appreciated, and only this academic year teachers of our university Aziz Tukhtamishov, Siroj Samiev, Iroda Ablakulova, Nargiza Turdiyeva, Nilufar Rakhimova, Gavkhar Juraeva and Dilfuza Marupova were able to receive doctoral degrees for their PhD theses in the field of tourism, pedagogy and philology. We congratulate them on this high success.

In addition, 7 professors of the university publish their scientific achievements in journals with high impact factor in international scientific and technical databases (Web of Science, Scopus, Elsevier) in the form of articles in international highly rated journals such as Journal of Tourism Management Research, International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration.

Today our university trains specialists in 16 bachelor’s and 7 master’s degree programs. Another pleasant news is that from this academic year our university has admitted students in 5 new specialities.  Besides, this academic year the department of “Translation and Interpreting Studies” started the activity. There are 6 professors and lecturers with high scientific potential and knowledge working in this department. At this moment, I would like to express my gratitude to the professors and lecturers who provide close assistance with all their knowledge and experience, as well as to our university Vice-rector Professor Joseph Hoffman and Professor Tony Zou.

Our university, which is rising day by day in all directions, since this academic year has been involved in 2 major projects in cooperation with China and the European Union.  These are projects “Halal tourism” and ERASMUS+ program in cooperation with China and European Union on reforming and transformation of higher education institutions of Uzbekistan, quality assurance.

Certain work has also been done to develop international relations at our university. Our young university, which trains qualified specialists in the field of tourism and cultural heritage, has established international co-operation with 97 prestigious universities around the world by this year. This leads to academic exchanges between professors and students with these universities.

It is worth noting that this academic year a total of 60 teachers of our university took an active part in various conferences, symposia, as well as major international qualifications held in 19 countries around the world, including the USA, China, England, Russia, India, Germany, Canada, Switzerland, France, Japan, South Korea, Australia, Belarus, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Romania, Czech Republic, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan. 

Last academic year, in order to provide comprehensive support, the trade union committee of the university organised a trip for 17 teachers and 15 staff members to the cities of Bukhara, Tashkent and Khiva, as well as to the recreation zone “Zomin”. 12 teachers received vouchers for recreation in sanatoriums of our country. In addition, various sports competitions were organised among the teaching staff during the academic year, the winners of which were awarded.

There is probably no more honourable and difficult profession in the world than educating the younger generation. The realisation of existence relies on the support of the same teachers and mentors in comprehending the secrets of science. Therefore, the issue of respect, comprehensive support and encouragement of their labour in our country has risen to the level of state policy, and this process continues.

An important task for professors and teachers of our university is to pass international accreditation in the near future. I believe that on this path you will put all your strength, knowledge and skills, and on this path I wish you good luck.

 I once again congratulate you on today’s Teacher and Mentor Day, which is celebrated on 1 October. I wish blessings to your family, good health and high success in scientific activity. Happy holiday!


Rector of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage A. Abdukhakimov.

On 26 September 2024, a propaganda event “Meeting of inspector and student” was held, in which university students took part.

According to annex 2 to the Decree of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 06/12 of 3 March 2024, the implementation of paragraph 5 of the “Program of measures aimed at the organization of preventive measures in higher education institutions and prevention of offences among students” are created and implemented measures to create a ‘safe student’ site on the basis of measures taken at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. In particular, during the propaganda event, the head of department of work with youth of the university N. Abduvahidova and other officials were given the necessary instructions to be attentive to the use of social networks today, despite the occurrence of violations of the law when entering various prohibited networks.

At the end of the last propaganda event full of questions, the students received answers to their questions.

These days the delegation of the Tourism Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan is taking part in the International Tourism Exhibition Japan Expo 2024 in Tokyo, Japan.

In the pavilion of Uzbekistan at the exhibition there is also a corner of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, where a representative of our university is also taking part, presenting to the participants a number of news about the activities of our university.

Within the framework of the “ORIENTATION DAYS” event, first-year students got acquainted with the activities of the Translation and Translation Studies Department. Head of the department T. Akramova introduced the professors and gave the students her recommendations for further work on them. Professors and lecturers of this newly created department at our university organised corners on various topics introducing students to the culture of Chinese, Korean, English and Russian peoples.

While the teacher of Korean language M. Baymatova told about the peculiarities of this now popular language, the teachers of Russian language and culture N. Turdieva and D. Marupova presented national souvenirs and sweets of Russian people.

In the National Corner of China, Chinese language teachers O.Nabiev, K. Baykabilov, O. Ibadullaeva offered students to try to depict Chinese characters using special brushes and gouache.

Today, “ORIENTATION DAYS” events for first year students were widely celebrated in our university, as well as the holiday of 27 September - World Tourism Day. In this regard, a festive event was organised in the assembly hall of our university. D. Nasimov, the first vice-rector of our university for administrative affairs, who spoke at the holiday event, congratulated all the participants of the event, as well as the first-year students on behalf of the honourable rector A. Abdukhakimov and the staff. At the event, certificates were presented to a group of first-year students who were admitted as students based on the results of passing the IELTS certificate exam with the highest score.

D. Narzikulov, Head of the Regional Department of Tourism, also spoke at the event. He also congratulated all those gathered on 27 September - World Tourism Day and awarded certificates of “Appreciation” to professors and teachers of our university who took an active part in the training of specialists in the field of tourism, as well as entrepreneurs who made a worthy contribution to this sphere.

At the “Orientation days” event, the first-year students got to know more about the activities of the library, which is considered to be the most valuable place of our university. It is known that students of our university today use more than 25 thousand titles of domestic and foreign literature in this library. Full information about the books was provided by the head of the library department.

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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