

Monday, 09 September 2024 09:26

Strengthening co-operation with China

The teacher of our university, Kobilova Maftuna, visited the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Xi'an, China as a special guest and shared her experiences in MICE tourism. Chamber representatives discussed issues of close cooperation with our university. In addition, the teacher of our university visited "Zhong Si Wei Group" company and "Spring Tour" tour companies in Xi'an city and introduced the Chinese experts to the possibilities of Uzbek tourism.

Friday, 06 September 2024 17:19


The defense of the thesis by Karimov Anvar Aktam ogli on the topic "Improvement of organizational and economic mechanisms of effective development of tourist destinations (in the case of Navoi region) in the specialty - 08.00.17 - “Tourism and hotel activities” will take place on September 14, 2024 at 10:00 AM at the meeting of Scientific Council on awarding the scientific degrees under the number DSc.33/01.02.2022.I.145.01 at the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

Friday, 06 September 2024 17:11


The defense of the thesis by Norboyev Allayor Ismoilovich on the topic "Improving the organizational and economic mechanism of effective development of youth tourism in the regions" in the specialty - 08.00.17 - “Tourism and hotel activities” will take place on September 14, 2024 at 11:00 AM at the meeting of Scientific Council on awarding the scientific degrees under the number DSc.33/01.02.2022.I.145.01 at the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

Friday, 06 September 2024 17:04


The defense of the thesis by Khamdamov Amriddin Khamdam ogli on the topic "Improving the organizational and economic mechanism of effective use of digital integration resources in the field of tourism" in the specialty - 08.00.17 - “Tourism and hotel activities” will take place on September 13, 2024 at 4:30 PM at the meeting of Scientific Council on awarding the scientific degrees under the number DSc.33/01.02.2022.I.145.01 at the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

Chairman of the Women's Council of Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage M. Abbasova, employee of the department of youth work D. Vastayeva and leading specialist of the department of quality assurance and accreditation of education E. Khalilova visited the dormitory of the university on 6 September this year, and from 2 October the dormitory is ready to receive students for the new academic year.

Thursday, 05 September 2024 15:06

Our lecturers studied ecology in China!

The lecturers of the Department of “Tourism” of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, Amriddinova Muslima and Akhrorova Munavvar, took part in the educational program “Ecology”, which was held at Lanzhou University in China during 10 August to 1 September 2024. This unique program, held in English and Chinese, focused on critical aspects of environmental protection and the conservation of rare Red Book plant species.

Training in this program allowed our lecturers not only to deepen their knowledge in the field of ecology, but also to learn practical methods that can be used to preserve the natural riches of Uzbekistan. With the rapid growth of tourist flow in Uzbekistan, such knowledge is crucial to the development of sustainable tourism. This is especially important given that the rector of our university is the Minister of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of the Republic of Uzbekistan supports initiatives aimed at preserving nature and improving the quality of life in our country.

Together we are building a future where tourism and ecology go hand in hand, preserving the beauty and richness of our planet for future generations.

For Doctoral Studies (DSc):

  • 00.06 - Museology, Conservation, Restoration, and Preservation of Historical and Cultural Objects

For Basic Doctoral Studies (PhD):

  • 00.05 - Economics of Service Sectors
  • 00.13 - Management
  • 00.06 - Comparative Literature, Comparative Linguistics, and Translation Studies
  • 00.06 - Museology, Conservation, Restoration, and Preservation of Historical and Cultural Objects
  • 00.17 - Tourism and Hotel Management Specialties

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 211 dated June 14, 2024, and the Regulations on Postgraduate Education, paragraph 3, subparagraphs 16, 18, and 19, the following individuals are eligible for admission to research traineeships and base doctorate programs:

  • Holders of a master’s degree or those who have completed clinical residency (for medical sciences), or those with a higher education diploma (specialty programs).
  • Those who possess a national or internationally recognized certificate confirming their foreign language proficiency at least at the C1 level for foreign language specialties, B2 level for humanities, biological and related sciences, mathematics and statistics, business and management, law, service sectors, social and behavioral sciences, journalism and information, information and communication technologies, and B1 level for other educational fields, as well as culture and sports specialties.

For admission to the Doctorate program, the following documents are required: (Full-time study)

  • Application;
  • National or international certificate confirming foreign language proficiency;
  • Brief biographical information;
  • Copy of the labor book certified according to the established procedure (for employed candidates);
  • Copy of the diploma of higher education, Candidate of Sciences, or Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) or an equivalent scientific degree obtained in a foreign country;
  • Scientific report on the research topic and a detailed draft of the dissertation plan for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Sciences (DSc);
  • List of published scientific works and their copies.

For Independent Research, the following documents are required: (Part-time study)

  • Brief biographical information;
  • Copy of the diploma for a master's degree, clinical residency (for medical sciences), or higher education (specialty program) for official registration as an independent researcher for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD);
  • Copy of the labor book certified according to the established procedure;
  • List of scientific works and their copies;
  • Copy of the diploma for the degree of Candidate of Sciences or Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), or an equivalent scientific degree obtained in a foreign country, for official registration as an independent researcher for the degree of Doctor of Sciences (DSc);
  • Recommendation letter from the workplace.

Selection for independent researchers is conducted based on an interview in the third month of each quarter and the corresponding conclusion of the admissions committee at the educational institution.

Documents should be prepared in PDF format and submitted from September 15 to October 15, 2024, through the Unified Electronic System for Coordinating Postgraduate Education (undefined). Entrance exams will be held from November 1-25, 2024.

Address: 140104, Republic of Uzbekistan, Samarkand city, Universitet Xiyoboni, 17
For information: +998 66 240 67 85

On August 27, 2024, the Academy of Tourism under “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage hosted the opening ceremony of the first International Shandong Window as well as the Oriental Cinema Window in Uzbekistan, which will further promote cultural cooperation and dialogue between the peoples of China and Uzbekistan.

This cultural institution is to promote sincere interaction and cooperation in research, education, exchange of experience, information and knowledge related to World Heritage.

The initiators of this project are Shandong Provincial Foreign Affairs Office, Qingdao University and “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

We are confident that this window will not only serve as a visual and cultural reference point, but also as a place where new ideas and projects will be born, contributing to the further development of tourism and cultural heritage. Dilmurod Nasimov, First Vice-Rector of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, took part in the opening ceremony:

Wang Suilian – Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Shandong Provincial People's Congress, Chair of the Shandong Federation of Industry and Commerce 

She Chunming – Chair of the Education, Science, Culture, and Health Committee of the Shandong Provincial People's Congress 

Liu Feng – Member of the Party Leadership Group of the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Secretary and Director of the Party Leadership Group of the Provincial Innovation Development Research Institute 

Wang Hao – Chief Inspector of the Shandong Provincial Department of Education 

Guo Haofang – Deputy Secretary-level Staff Member, Standing Committee of the Shandong Provincial People's Congress 

Yang Fan – Fourth-level Principal Staff Member, Eurasia Division, Provincial Foreign Affairs Office (Translator)

XIAO Jiangnan       M       PE3212892  Vice Chairman of the University Council, Executive Dean of the SCO Institute of Economics and Trade

MA Lingang, Director of the Office of the SCO Institute of Economics and Trade, Director of the Development Planning Department

LIU Fangfang - XIAO Jianhong, Dean of the School of Tourism and Geographic Sciences

According to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 675 from 4 November 2021 “Provision on the order of admission of citizens with work experience in the sectors of the economy not less than five years, to study on part-time and evening forms of education on a differentiated paid-contractual basis on the results of the interview” on 29 August of this year in the building of the university held interviews for the admission of citizens who wished to study on a part-time form of education in the direction of bachelor's degree at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

On the basis of the corresponding order of the university, the admission committee created a separate interview commission to interview applicants with a recommendation. The commission included highly qualified teachers, industry specialists, representatives of employing organisations and representatives of the Committee on Tourism of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

During the interview, the applicants gave meaningful answers to the questions asked by the commission about the essence and significance of the comprehensive reforms being carried out in the country, the main purpose of choosing the direction of Bachelor's degree, achievements and results achieved in the process of labour activity corresponding to the direction of Bachelor's degree, the availability of knowledge and professional skills in the field of the specified direction of study in Bachelor's degree.

The interview committee evaluated the applicants’ knowledge according to the evaluation criteria set out in the regulations, based on the applicants’ answers and recommended the applicants who successfully passed the interview for admission as students.

The applicants thanked the members of the interview panel for assessing their knowledge and qualifications based on fair criteria.

The results of the interview are available at the following link.

Wednesday, 28 August 2024 13:14


"Silk Road"  International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage announces the date of the interview for the admission of applicants who have applied for a second higher education in the field of tourism in distance learning.

Address: Samarkand region, Samarkand city, University boulevard, 17

Time: 9:00 am

Date: August 30, 2024

Venue: University Campus, Room №108

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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