

More than 4,000 scientific journals, more than 18 million scientific articles, and more than 30,000 e-books are placed in “The Prestigious HISTORIA I ŚWIAT” magazine indexed in the international database of “Scopus”.

Recently, an associate professor of the “History and Cultural Heritage” department of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, Khanipour Morteza published an article named “Cairn Burial of the historical period around Khansaar dam, Toujerdi district of Fars province”, (Iran) in a Q2-level journal indexed in the Scopus international database.

We wish the professors and teachers of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage success in their scientific work in the fields of tourism, cultural heritage and archeology.
cover issue

On December 22 of this year in the assembly hall of our university was held a festive event under the slogan “Happy New Year”. Speakers at the festive event spoke in good mood about the work done in our university in the past year, about achievements.  Indeed, 2023 was a successful year for our university. Our university has established partnerships with many prestigious foreign universities. This year, several professors of our university traveled to China to improve their knowledge and skills. In addition, our students have also gained their knowledge and experience in foreign countries.

At the event, the group led by our university professor K.Mustaev performed songs and gave everyone a festive mood.

On December 22, 2023, the chairman of the Women’s Council of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage M.Abbasova and the head of the Department of work with youth and organizations of events N.Abduvokhidova, in the last week of the educational process in the university, gave their recommendations to the female students coming from neighboring regions, studying at the university, including those in need of social support, pregnant women, young children and disabled students, to arrive safely to the place of their permanent residence during the winter vacations. It was noted that they follow the rules of the road when traveling by high-speed trains, airplanes, buses and cars (taxe) from the modes of transportation, as well as provide information about their arrival at their destination.

Professors and teachers of our university regularly conduct master classes for students of Samarkand Technical School of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. On December 21 of this year, Erkin Gulomkhasanov, assistant teacher of the Tourism Management Department of our university, also held master classes for students of the technical school in the areas of “Tourism”, “Service and tourism”, “Organization and management of hotel economy” and “Tour operator services: creation and sale of tour packages”. This helped to increase the interest of the students of the technical school to a deeper study of tourism.

Friday, 22 December 2023 10:09

Share care - show kindness

On December 20 of this year, the Chairperson of the Women’s Council of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage - M.Abbasova and the university psychologist D.Turdiyeva held another meeting with young people living in the mahalla “Bogi Feruza” in Samarkand with the aim of supporting socially vulnerable youth, their education, teaching them professions, vocational training and providing them with jobs.

Initially, the university staff visited the apartment in the mahalla “Bogi Feruza”, where Mehrangiz Tuygunova and Zebo Rajabova live, and got to know their lifestyle, problems, interests and plans for the future.

Today the staff together with I.Mukhamedova, an activist of the women's mahalla “Bogi Feruzа”, presented New Year gifts to children on the occasion of the New Year, to families in need of social protection in the mahalla.

Visits to the addresses of socially vulnerable families in the mahallas continue.

On December 20 of this year, members of the delegation led by the First Vice Rector of the University of Malaysia Terengganu Professor Dato Dr. Mazlan bin Abd Ghaffar visited “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

At first, Rustam Kabilov, Deputy Governor of Samarkand Region on Tourism, Culture, Cultural Heritage and Mass Communications - Head of the Main Department of Tourism, informed the guests about the work carried out in the field of tourism in Samarkand and about the plans for the future. After that, the head of international department of our university S. Samariddinov made a presentation on the activities of the Academy of Tourism and practical work on training specialists in the field of tourism at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. During the dialog, an agreement was reached to establish and strengthen mutual cooperation.

On December 19 of this year, representatives of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) visited “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. First, the guests familiarized with the new campus of Samarkand Academy of Tourism as a joint project with UNWTO, as well as with the mission of further development of tourism and hospitality industry in Uzbekistan and Central Asia. After that, Prof.Artem Kulikov and the Vice-Rector, Prof.Joseph Hoffman presented a full overview of the strategy and plan of the new academy. During the dialog, Japan agreed with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to establish common ideas, visions and further opportunities, and cooperative relations from next year, as well as to develop a wide range of projects in this field.

One more pleasant news on the threshold of the new year was that the 3rd year student of our university Zuhra Bakhromkulova took the 2nd place in the nomination “The most active student of the year” at the university stage of the republican competition “Student of the Year-2023”.

We congratulate our student on her success!

One more pleasant news on the threshold of the new year was a student of our university Shahrizoda Oromjonova took the 1st place in the nomination “The most active student of the year” at the university stage of the republican competition “Student of the Year-2023”.

We congratulate our student on her success!

One more pleasant news on the threshold of the new year was that the 3rd year student of our university Fotima Bakhromkulova took the 1st place in the nomination “The most active student-entrepreneur of the year” at the university stage of the republican competition “Student of the Year-2023”.

We congratulate our student on her success!

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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