

On December 19 of the current year, D.Turdiyeva, a psychologist of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, held a fantastic event called “Map of Wishes”.

Do you want your wishes to come true? Then be sure to write them down. The thing is that when we write down our thoughts, when we fix our desires and goals on paper, we focus and keep our attention on it. And where there is attention, there is energy. And, therefore, the fulfilment of desire.

In order to realize this idea, the university staff and students also wrote down their dreams and goals that they plan to realize in the coming year 2024 and put them on the wish card. The event, held under the sounds of instrumental music, gave all participants a good mood and allowed them to feel the spirit of the New Year holiday.

On December 15-16 of this year, an international scientific-practical conference on the topic “Regional characteristics, conditions and prospects of tourism development in the digital economy” was held in Samarkand State University named after Sharaf Rashidov. At this conference, Tony Zou, Vice-Rector of our university, spoke on the topic “AI and Smart Destination: Frontier Theories and Best Practices”. Tony Zou reviewed the progress of AI technologies in his career and their application in the tourism industry, especially in tourism destination, and expressed his views on the establishment of research and production practices.

Deputy Governor of Samarkand region Rustam Kobilov, scientists from Russia, Poland, Tajikistan, India, Germany and Uzbekistan attended the conference.

Recently, graduates of the Presidential School of Pastdargom District visited our university and had the opportunity to get acquainted with the life of the university. The students were very interested in the conditions and opportunities created here. Modern equipment of classrooms, especially for schoolchildren, a library rich in books in different languages, contributed to further increase of interest in our university.

On December 15 of the current year, the chairman of the women’s Council of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage M.Abbasova and the head of the department of work with youth and organization of events N.Abduvokhidova held a meeting among female students with a number of industry specialists on the topics of “Increasing medical culture”, “Widespread promotion of healthy lifestyles”. 

Speaking at the meeting, the chairman of the women’s council of the university M.Abbasova expressed her opinion on the topics “The essence of the law on the preservation of reproductive health of citizens”, “Women's hygiene - the basis of a prosperous family”, “The future is in the hands of future mothers” in order to strengthen women's health, detection and prevention of diseases. During the event, N.Abduvokhidova, head of the department of work with youth and the organization of events, gave a lecture on “Strengthening women’s reproductive health”.

At the event, Klara Usmanova, a doctor from the Samarkand multidisciplinary Central Polyclinic, gave necessary recommendations on the topics “Early marriages and early births among students and negative consequences of marriages between relatives”, “Girls’ hygiene is a guarantee of health”, and “Place of medical culture in the family”.

At the meeting, which was held in the mode of open communication, the specialists gave a complete picture of the family, its main task and marriage, answered questions of interest to students and girls.

On November 21-24 of this year, the teacher of our university Nargis Nurulla-Khodjaeva took part in the conference “Channels of astronomical knowledge transmission in the Ottoman world (XIV-XVIII centuries)” held in Istanbul. The conference, organized jointly by the Department of History of Science and the Institute of Istanbul University, was devoted to the evolution and methodology of astronomical knowledge production in the Ottoman Empire from XIV to XVIII centuries.

At the end of the conference, the lecturer of our university was awarded a certificate of participation.

On December 12, 2022 between the teams of the university was held intellectual game “Zakovat”, dedicated to the 31st anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, ensuring the implementation of the Presidential Decree PQ-96 “On measures to turn the intellectual game “Zakovat” into a mass educational movement among the population and the development of other intellectual games”. The teams of the knowledge contest tried to accurately answer questions from the field of social sciences and humanities.

Tuesday, 12 December 2023 16:30

Master classes are organized for students

We are all responsible for the female students not only to become professionals, but also to be housewives of noble families.

On December 12 of this year, the chairman of the women’s council of the international university of tourism and cultural heritage “Silk Road” M.Abbasova, as well as members of the club “Kizlarjon”, formed under the council, organized master classes on cooking national dishes for first-year students within the framework of five important initiatives and the circle “Culinary Secrets”.

At the event, the dean of the Faculty of Tourism Management R.Toshniyozova told the students in detail about the peculiarities of their cooking and the order of serving them to the table, at the same time telling about how Uzbek national cuisine differs from the world cuisine in its originality and variety.

The opinions of the girl leaders about the history of national cuisine and vegetable salads and fruit carvings prepared by them were highly appreciated by the experts.

Thursday, 14 December 2023 15:33

To the attention of the students!

Announcement of recruitment for internship at Haneda International Airport in Tokyo, Japan. Duration of 3 months. Cost of the program: $200

Paid for:

  • Airfare
  • Meeting at the airport
  • Accommodation (utilities and wi-fi)
  • Employment
  • Certificate at the end of the internship
  • Transfer
  • Emergency support
  • Support during the whole stay in Japan
  • Cultural program (excursions)

Work 8 hours per day, 2 hours break per day, 2 days off per week. Salary 612$ per month.
3 months Internship at Haneda

On December 12 of this year the 1st year students under the guidance of tutor G. Khusainova of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage organized a practical trip to the museum of “Friendship of Peoples and Religious Tolerance”.

The museum of “Friendship of Peoples and Religious Tolerance”, founded in the city of Samarkand, demonstrates the qualities of a multinational people that are a value. The museum also has a monument dedicated to the family of Shoakhmad Shomakhmudov, a Tashkent farrier who adopted 14 children of different nationalities during the war years. The students received valuable information about our cultural heritage, national values, the ancient way of life of our people, and our great history. The university students were impressed by the exhibits of the museum.

One of the 5 important initiatives put forward by our president to raise the morale of young people and organize their free time with benefit - a number of activities aimed at popularizing reading among young people are carried out at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

On December 13 of the current year tutor S.Abbasova held an event “Culture of reading” for 2nd year students of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage in Samarkand regional information and library center named after Pushkin.

At the event “Reading” tutor S.Abbasova gave young students a number of notions about reading culture.

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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