In order to implement the plan-schedule of the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovations of the Republic No. 01-01-100 dated 10 May 2024 “On organisation of events in the parks and boulevards of the city and district where higher education institutions of the Republic are located”, as well as in order to further increase the interest to study among students, the tutors of the group working at the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage held a game "Zakovat" among students.
The intellectual game, tense and uncompromising, organised on the university boulevard, made a great impression on the students, as it was held in nature. At the end of the game, the winners were young people with high knowledge and intelligence.
On 30 May of this year, an educational and practical seminar was held in Payarik district on the protection of archaeological monuments and objects of cultural heritage, and further strengthening of their preservation.
M.Khidirov, assistant professor of the Department of History and Cultural Heritage of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, F.Sattarov, assistant of the Department of Languages and Global Studies, H.Koshimov, head of the department of the Scientific Research Institute of Archeology gave necessary recommendations on the preservation of the existing 97 cultural heritage sites of historical significance in Payarik district.
To analyze the tourism potential and as part of ensuring the implementation of the PD-135, the teaching staff of the Department of Tourism studied the activities of tourist sites located on the territory of the Urgut and Samarkand districts of the Samarkand region.
As a result, such objects as the Teshiktash and the Urgut reservoir located in the Urgut region, as well as recreation centers located in the Ming Archa region were recognized as the most interesting places in the region. It was also noted that the tourist village of Tersak, as one of the developing destinations, has become the next most visited site among local and foreign tourists.
It has been established that resorts organized in the Okhalik-Mironkul-Akboyro districts, located in the Samarkand region, are of great interest among local and foreign tourists. During the visit, it was revealed that the sanitary and hygienic conditions in the recreation centers located in the district were not sufficiently observed, as a result of which the responsible persons were given appropriate instructions.
In order to eliminate the shortcomings identified above, professors and teachers of the department organized master classes for employees working in the hospitality sector in these regions.
Safullaev Makhsud Nurilloevich, a fourth-year student of ‘Silk Road’ International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, became the champion of Asia in the sport of jiu-jitsu, which was held on 19 May in Tashkent, taking first place at the Open Asian Championship among more than a dozen countries in Asia and other countries.
We congratulate our student with this success from the name of the administration of our university.
On 30 May of this year, a delegation led by Professor Dr Ursula Renold, Head of the Department of Educational Systems at the Switzerland Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, visited "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.
During the meeting, Dr. Ursula Renold presented information about the programmes implemented and planned to be implemented within the framework of the agreement signed by the Government of the Switzerland Confederation and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan to strengthen relations, development of secondary special, vocational and higher education and other areas. During the meeting it was also noted participation in projects (1) financed by the Government of Switzerland, (2) training of teachers and staff, (3) participation in the grant project planned to be implemented by the Department of Tourism to increase the tourism potential of Uzbekistan and joint application of Switzerland experience, (4) discussions were held on the organisation of short-term and long-term practice of teachers and students in hotels and tourist facilities in Switzerland, (5) establishment of student exchange and a number of other topics.
On 30 May, a group of famous cultural artists, in particular Muhammad Ali, national writer of Uzbekistan, visited our university within the project “Enlightenment Connects” to get acquainted with the activities of our educational institution and meet with students, professors and teachers.
D. Nasimov, First Vice-Rector of our university for Administrative Affairs, opened the creative meeting with the opening speech. Probably, there is not a single reader in our country who would not know the famous writer, poet Muhammad Ali or read his works. Speaking at the event, Muhammad Ali wished good luck to the activity of our young university, which prepares specialists in the field of tourism, and spoke about his life activity to young students. After all, Muhammad Ali is also known and famous as the author of books of a number of historical genres, and recently another work ‘Cleopatra’ has come out of print. The author urged the youth to study our great history, while touching upon the history of writing of this work.
At the event, archaeologist A. Berdimurodov and other authors who wrote the introduction of the book ‘Cleopatra’ also spoke in detail about the content of the book. The author answered various questions about the content of the book. At the end of the event, national writer of Uzbekistan Muhammad Ali and other authors were presented with memorable gifts by our university.
With the end of the 2023-2024 academic year, 218 graduates of our university will start their independent life by graduating bachelor's degree. On 30 May, B. Rakhmatullaev, head of the organisational and control group of the regional administration, met with 30 graduates of our university who have leadership and management qualities and are included in the reserve of prospective personnel. During the open and sincere dialogue, resourceful young personnel of ‘Silk Road’ International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, who today can communicate in several foreign languages, spoke about the importance of further prosperity of our region and republic. It is worth noting that young people who graduated from our university today work as a worthy example in all areas of the tourism industry. At the same time, our students who are graduating in the current academic year have already started their activities in prestigious places. At the event, a friendly dialogue was held with each graduate and information was obtained about their future plans.
On 29 May 2024, the Women’s Council of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage held a spiritual-educational event with students on the topic “Grandmother’s upbringing and advice” within the framework of the project ‘Enlightenment Connects’.
The regular event, organised under the plan of the Women’s Council of the university, was attended by Zamirakhan Saidova, a beautiful mother from an educated family living on the street of Intelligents in Nurafshan mahalla of Samarkand region, Elinurahanim Khalilova, an experienced specialist of the department of education quality assurance and accreditation of the university, head of the department of youth work and events, tutors and students.
At the spiritual and educational event, the students received advice and guidance on the life of a grandmother, on national values and oriental etiquette in the family, on raising girls, mutual respect and patience, and on the secrets of a strong family. During the meeting, the veterans spoke about their life path, work done for the development of the industry, overcoming difficulties and problems they faced on their way, to the younger members of the generation.
Also, a video on this topic was shown at the event, where the students got answers to their questions.
In order to ensure the implementation of the decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan ‘On measures to further improve the organisation and conduct of mass events’ and ‘On additional measures to ensure the safety of holidaymakers in beach areas of water areas of the Republic of Uzbekistan’, a propaganda event aimed at preventing unpleasant situations was held for teachers, staff and students of the university in the swimming pool of the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.
The chief specialist and coach of the sports training department of the university strictly warned that the temperature of water in outdoor pools should be above 17 and below 30 degrees, and swimmers should not immediately dive into cold water, otherwise the vessels may retract, which may lead to drowning.
On 30 May of this year, at 11:00 a.m., a literary and artistic meeting with the national writer, literary scholar, professor, translator, poet and public figure of Uzbekistan will be held in the hall of activists of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.
Today many historical works of Muhammad Ali are loved and read by our people. We invite to this meeting all professors and teachers of our university, students who wish to communicate with this great figure. Do not miss the opportunity to be a part of the creative evening.
Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.
dummy+99866 240-67-68