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Академические оценки (40%)

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Видеопрезентация «Мой преподаватель на кафедре туризма» (10%)

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Дополнительные сведения:

  • Сумма стипендии составляет 500.000 сум
  • Длительность получения стипендии – один семестр

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Wednesday, 24 July 2024 12:19


“Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage is announcing the start of the summer season of clubs for children of the mahallas in such sports as swimming, badminton, chess, table tennis. These sports classes are held from Monday to Friday of the week. 

Address: 17 University Boulevard.

Phone: 97 285 78 39

Yesterday, 23 July, was an unforgettable day for 340 graduates of our university. Employees of the Committee on Tourism, the management of our university, heads of employer organisations, as well as graduates of full-time, part-time bachelor's and master's degrees and their parents, who will graduate in 2023-2024 academic year, were present at the event.

At the beginning, the rector of our university A.Abdukhakimov delivered a congratulation greeting to all graduates. After that, the representatives of the Tourism Committee and our university, as well as graduates and their parents made greeting speeches. 

Then, a group of professors and lecturers who showed activity and initiative in the past academic year, as well as leaders of the tourism industry who cooperated with our university during the year, were presented with Appreciation Certificates.

- We are constantly co-operating with “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. Every year, many students continue their labour activity here, as well as undergo practical training at the international airport “Air Marokanda” in Samarkand.

“The knowledge and initiative of the university graduates working at the international airport are worthy of great respect,” says A. Nasriyev, manager of “Air Marokanda” International Airport.

The most exciting moments for graduates. There was a ceremony of awarding diplomas, which were the result of several years of study and work, as well as the direction to an independent life. 

 -I am proud to be from Andijan region and to have been educated at this prestigious university. Today I speak English fluently, as well as my native Uzbek. Most importantly, today I have started my career in the international department of the regional administration, says our graduate Sh.Khaitboyev.

In New Uzbekistan, large-scale reforms are being carried out towards the development of the innovative sector of the tourism economy, determining the patterns of cluster development of the tourism industry and improving the mechanism for managing the innovative cluster of regional tourism.

It is known that Our President Sh. Mirziyoyev, at a video conference held on March 29, 2023 on the issues of increasing the tourism potential of our country, said: “Tourism is a vast area that has both economic and socio-cultural significance, and ranks third in the world in terms of profitability. Another important aspect is that it creates many jobs at low cost.”

Really using this potential in order to successfully solve these problems: determine the specifics of tourism services, consider the structure, problems and prospects for the development of tourism clusters, and also explore the theoretical and practical aspects of the cluster approach. A cluster approach to the tourism industry, conducting scientific research in such promising areas as ensuring innovative development, has become a pressing issue today.

On July 20 of this year, at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, a regular meeting of the Scientific Council for awarding an scientific degree was held under the number DSc.33/01.02.2022.I.145.01 At the meeting, the university researcher Tukhtamishov Aziz Kahramonovich was defended his dissertation in specialty 08.00.17 - Tourism and hotel activities.

According to the conclusion of the members of the Scientific Council, the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on the topic “Improving the economic mechanism for innovative development of the tourism sector based on the cluster approach” prepared by A.K.Tukhtamishov meets all the requirements established by the Higher Attestation Commission. The work is a completed research work with scientific novelty and practical proposals, and its author deserves the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 08.00.17 - Tourism and hotel activities (Economic Sciences).

For reference: The Scientific Council DSc.33/01.02.2022.I.145.01 for awarding scientific degrees at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage was created according to the Resolution “On measures to further improve the system of continuous training of qualified personnel in the fields of tourism, cultural heritage and museology" of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, dated October 30, 2021, No. PQ-5270.

The Scientific Council provides an opportunity for many researchers and doctoral students to actively conduct scientific research in the fields of tourism and cultural heritage, and to inform the scientific community about their scientific innovations and achievements.

Over the past period, the Scientific Council discussed the scientific works of many researchers. Based on the relevant decisions of the Scientific Council, researchers and doctoral students who successfully defended their scientific research received the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Doctor of Science (DSc) in the field of economics in the specialty “Tourism and hotel activities” as of 08.00.17.

The head of the Department of Tourism at the International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, Akmaljon Odilov, and the teacher of the department, Muslima Amiriddinovalar, are on a business trip in the Republic of South Korea.Today on July 17, representatives of our university visited Namseul University and were received by the vice-president of this university, Professor Yun-Seok Lee and other officials. At the meeting, a detailed discussion took place of the activities of the department of Uzbek Studies, which is opened on the basis of an agreement between two universities. During the conversation, confidence was expressed that the department would play an important role in the spread of the history and culture of Uzbekistan, the Uzbek language and literature in South Korea.Vice President, Professor Yun-Seok Lee appointed Zoir Sattarov, a professor from Uzbekistan, as head of the department of Uzbek Studies.The creation of departments of “Uzbek studies”, spreading the history and culture of Uzbekistan, the Uzbek language and literature in foreign countries, including the Republic of South Korea, is being accomplished according to the Presidential Decree- No.19 of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Monday, 15 July 2024 17:17


Chinese media reported the opening of the first Chinese Book Center in Central Asia at the Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage!Chinese media reported the opening of the first Chinese Book Center in Central Asia at the Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage!
The Center offers a wide selection of literature in Chinese and educational resources on Chinese culture and language.
We invite all students and faculty to visit the Center and take advantage of its resources.

Joriy yilning 1-4 iyul kunlari "Ipak yo'li" sport klubi tomonidan Osiyo - Tinch okeani lakros Ittifoqi bilan birgalikda lakros festivali o'tkazildi. Festivalda “Ipak yo‘li” turizm va madaniy meros xalqaro universiteti talaba qizlaridan iborat jamoa ishtirok etdi va Osiyo turniri musobaqasida 3-o'rinni qo‘lga kiritdi. Joriy yilning 1-4 iyul kunlari "Ipak yo'li" sport klubi tomonidan Osiyo - Tinch okeani lakros Ittifoqi bilan birgalikda lakros festivali o'tkazildi. Festivalda “Ipak yo‘li” turizm va madaniy meros xalqaro universiteti talaba qizlaridan iborat jamoa ishtirok etdi va Osiyo turniri musobaqasida 3-o'rinni qo‘lga kiritdi. 
1-4 iyulya 2024 goda sportivnыm klubom " Shyolkovыy put " sovmestno s Aziatsko- tixookeanskim soyuzom lakross   organizovan   i provedyon  festival lakrossa .   Komanda devochek nashego universiteta prinyala uchastie v dannom aziatskom turnire i zanyala pochyotnoe 3 mesto na etix sorevnovaniyax .

Wednesday, 10 July 2024 15:31


Karimov Anvar Aktam ogli 08.00.17 – Dissertation work on the topic "Improvement of organizational and economic mechanisms of effective development of tourist destinations (in the case of Navoi region) written for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty “Tourism and hotel activities” will be discussed on July 12, 2024 at 4 p.m. (room 108) under the Academic Council number DSc.33/01.02.2022.I.145.01 for the award of academic degrees in economic sciences at the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage

Wednesday, 10 July 2024 15:21


Kaxarov Jasur Abulkosimovich 08.00.17 – Dissertation work on the topic "Ways of organization and development of gastronomy tourism in Uzbekistan" written for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty “Tourism and hotel activities” will be discussed on July 12, 2024 at 2:30 p.m. (room 108) under the Academic Council number
DSc.33/01.02.2022.I.145.01 for the award of academic degrees in economic sciences at the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

On July 8th, of 2024, a delegation led by the Minister of Education of the People's Republic of China, Huai Jingpeng, and the President of Beijing International Studies University, Ji Jinbiao, paid an official visit to our university.This was the first visit of the Minister of Educations to Uzbekistan and Samarkand visit has started from our university. The delegation was welcomed by the deputy minister of the ecology, environmental protection and climate change, Kazbekov Jusipbek Sidikbekovich, the first vice-rector for administrative affairs of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, Dilmurod Nasimov, and the vice-rector for research and innovation, Tongqian Zou.

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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