

Friday, 14 June 2024 10:26


Защита диссертации доктора наук (DSc) Кадырова Азизжона Анваровича по специальности 08.00.17 – “Туризм и гостиничная деятельность” на тему «Совершенствование методико-методологических основ устойчивого развития потенциала экологического туризма в регионах» диссертационный совет по присуждению ученых степеней при Международном университете туризма и культурного наследия “Шелковый путь”.33/01.02.2022.I.145.01 состоится на заседании Научного совета по цифровым технологиям 22 июня 2024 года в 11:00

Friday, 14 June 2024 10:17


Защита диссертации доктора наук (DSc) Кадырова Азизжона Анваровича по специальности 08.00.17 – “Туризм и гостиничная деятельность” на тему «Совершенствование методико-методологических основ устойчивого развития потенциала экологического туризма в регионах» диссертационный совет по присуждению ученых степеней при Международном университете туризма и культурного наследия “Шелковый путь”.33/01.02.2022.I.145.01 состоится на заседании Научного совета по цифровым технологиям 22 июня 2024 года в 11:00.

Friday, 14 June 2024 10:01


Защита диссертации доктора наук (DSc) Кадырова Азизжона Анваровича по специальности 08.00.17 – “Туризм и гостиничная деятельность” на тему «Совершенствование методико-методологических основ устойчивого развития потенциала экологического туризма в регионах» диссертационный совет по присуждению ученых степеней при Международном университете туризма и культурного наследия “Шелковый путь”.33/01.02.2022.I.145.01 состоится на заседании Научного совета по цифровым технологиям 22 июня 2024 года в 11:00.

Friday, 14 June 2024 08:34

We are different, but we are together!

In the last days of the academic year, on June 12, a motivational training “We are different, but we are together!” was organized on the initiative of Dildora Turdieva, a psychologist of the Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.
It was also attended by the faculty and staff of the university, who enjoyed positive energy and gained strength. Foreign students were especially active at the event. At the training, psychological techniques, games and psychogymnastic exercises were applied, which helped to build team spirit, cohesion, increase self-confidence and self-acceptance. Team-building games, various contests, rousing dances and music that promoted a sense of unity and cohesion left a lasting impression on all participants.
The event, organized in an uplifting spirit, gave the participants a good mood and strong motivation to go further after their dreams. It is encouraging that this event is becoming a good tradition and is warmly welcomed by all the participants.

Monday, 10 June 2024 12:19



Monday, 10 June 2024 11:12

“Let the trees breathe!”

On 7 June of this year, tutors and students of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage organised a public event under the slogan “Let the trees breathe!” in order to clean up the trees located on the territory of the university. The root system of the trees was cleaned from concrete and asphalt covering. Lighters and advertising banners hanging on the trees were removed. Such kind-hearted activities serve to further strengthen our youth's attachment to nature.

Friday, 07 June 2024 21:27


The Department of Distance Education informs you that the Summer School is open for students in their fifth year of study.

Further information can be obtained from the Distance Education Department of the university.

The subjects are attached.

1.History and stages

2. Uzbek  Studies (History, Geography)

3. Tourism sociologiy

4. Tourism Law

5. Second Foreign Language (Russian)

6. English in tourism I (Elective)

7.  Foreign Language (English)

8. Principles of Management

9. Destination Management

10. International Event Management

11. Event planning and technology

12. MICE

13. Organization of sport events

14. Convention management and Service

15. Consumer behavior and their preferences (Elective)

16. Tourism Marketing

17. Consumer markets and purchasing behavior

18. SMM,Digital marketing (internet-marketing)

19. Introduction to Marketing and Digital Communication

20. Travel Service management

21. Establishing and manage tour service

22. Design a regional tourist product

23. Travel Agency  Operations and Management

24. Human Resources Management

25. Hospitality Facilities management and design

26. Hotel and resort management

27. Training and Development for Hospitality Industry(ELECTIVE)

28. Principles of economics

Friday, 07 June 2024 21:18


On 5 June of this year, a final meeting dedicated to the end of the academic year was held at our university, organised by the members of the club “Leader of the Girl” under the Women's Council. Chairman of the Women's Council of the university M.Abbasova held the meeting. At the event Fatima Bakhromkulova, captain of the club “Leader of the Girl”, the owner of the scholarship ‘Student of the Year-2023’, told about the successes and drawbacks achieved in the past academic year. Head of the Department of Work with Youth N. Abduvokhidova, Head of the Department of Languages and Global Studies T. Sultanov and others spoke at the meeting and gave their opinions on the activities of the club.  The members of the club “Leader of the Girl” were told that in the coming academic year it is necessary to increase the number of club members and attract more female students with leadership qualities.

In connection with the “International Day of Environmental Protection” on 5 June, the Department of work with youth of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage and the Department of Tourism together with foreign and local students studying at the university organised an “eco-movement around tourist sites”.

As part of the eco-action, the participants organised the cleaning of rubbish collected around “Karatepi Reservoir” in Urgut district. While sorting the rubbish, plastic containers, iron containers of different types, polythene bags and other waste were collected separately. The participants of the campaign also propagated that it is everyone's duty to maintain ecological cleanliness by cleaning the surroundings of the ‘Karatepa’ reservoir in front of travellers who come and rest here.

They contributed to the cleanliness of the environment which is alive with the maintenance of environmental cleanliness by the students of the university. Such actions play an important role in the preservation of ecology, contributing to the further formation of the young generation's love for nature.

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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