

In order to ensure the implementation of the decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan ‘On measures to further improve the organisation and conduct of mass events’ and ‘On additional measures to ensure the safety of holidaymakers in beach areas of water areas of the Republic of Uzbekistan’, a propaganda event aimed at preventing unpleasant situations was held for teachers, staff and students of the university in the swimming pool of the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

The chief specialist and coach of the sports training department of the university strictly warned that the temperature of water in outdoor pools should be above 17 and below 30 degrees, and swimmers should not immediately dive into cold water, otherwise the vessels may retract, which may lead to drowning.

Tuesday, 28 May 2024 11:27


On 30 May of this year, at 11:00 a.m., a literary and artistic meeting with the national writer, literary scholar, professor, translator, poet and public figure of Uzbekistan will be held in the hall of activists of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

Today many historical works of Muhammad Ali are loved and read by our people. We invite to this meeting all professors and teachers of our university, students who wish to communicate with this great figure. Do not miss the opportunity to be a part of the creative evening.

In order to ensure the implementation of the plan-schedule of the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation "to organise activities in the existing parks and alleys of the city and district where the republican universities are located", on 10 May 2024, students of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, accompanied by a tutor, visited the University Boulevard.

The students were given detailed instructions by the tutors on Uzbek national folk games such as dancing, laparas, proverbs including wrestling, horse games passed down from generation to generation, horse racing, stone lifting, tug of war, wrist strength test. Also our students exchanged opinions about the games "shoulder wrestling", "cock dust", "chilik" and other national games, and from the national dances our students performed the dance "Andijan polka".

It is important that such events are held to ensure that our national dances and folk games reach our younger generation.

On the initiative of the Sports Club of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, “Silk Road Open Badminton Championship” was organised on 24 May of this year. In the open badminton championship students from five universities of our region, as well as masters students of our university competed with each other. The sports event was characterised by richness and interesting competitions. At the event, young students competed among themselves, divided into teams.

According to the results of the competitions,

Badminton among boys;

1st place Mohammed Khubaib, SamSTU

2nd place Dilshod Shodiev, Uzfin

3rd place Jumakulov Kubanchbek, Uzfin.

Badbinton among girls;

1st place Sanzharova Amina, SamSTU

2 place Yokubova Mokhina, "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage

3rd place Dzhurakulova Sarvinoz, Uzfin.

Between boys and girls;

1st place Kasimova Lobar Lobar Arch 123 - Lapasov Shukhrat Tour 223.

2nd place Rakhimova Leila Tour 223 - Abdurakhmanov Mukhammadlaziz Man tour 223.

3rd place Rozikov Amirjon Tour 120 - Yakupbaeva Iroda Man tour 123.

The weather in our country today is becoming very favourable for travel and tourism. On the initiative of the youth leader of our university S. Khaydarov and a group of active students organised a one-day trip to Zomin recreation area in Zomin region of Jizzak on 25 May. Our students wisely used this opportunity to get acquainted with the innovations in the sphere of tourism and service in Zomin recreation zone.

Doctoral students of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage Dilrabo Mardonova and Shokhista Toyirova showed the culture, national cuisine and costumes of our country in Kreuzlingen, representative of Switzerland, Croatia, Bosnia, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Spain, Poland on 24 May this year. This event attracted even more interest to our country in European countries.

It is known that on 25 May, " Last Bell" events were held in all secondary schools of our country. The first vice-rector of our university for administrative affairs, D. Nasimov, congratulated all the graduates and invited the students of this school, who are interested in tourism and cultural heritage, to study at "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage by taking part in the "Last Bell" event held at school No. 56 under the Department of Pre-school and School Education of Kattakurgan region. 

At the event, certificates of honour were awarded to exemplary students who achieved high results in their studies.

On 26 May of this year, Cai Xuejun, General Manager of China Silk Road Fund, visited the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. Rector of our university A. Abdukhakimov met and introduced the delegation to the university. Our university attracted considerable interest of the guests due to its impressive achievements despite its short activity.

In particular, General Manager Cai Xuejun expressed his wish to expand cooperation with the university and develop tourism in Uzbekistan, preserving cultural heritage, impressed with the conditions created for students and youth at the university.

On 26 May of this year, a delegation headed by Liu Duo, Vice Mayor of Shanghai City, visited our university. D. Nasimov, First Vice-Rector of our university for Administrative Affairs, Tongqian Tony Zou, Vice-Rector, met and acquainted the guests with the activities of the university. The members of the delegation also had a close acquaintance with the Academy of Tourism, UN Tourism Thematic Office of Silk Road Tourism.

Shanghai Vice Mayor Liu Duo also exchanged ideas on cooperating with "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage in exchanging teachers and students, doing joint research and teaching Chinese language. It is important to note that the members of the delegation were very impressed with the conditions and opportunities created at our university.

On 17-19 May of this year, an international conference on Cultural Awareness and Development of Sustainable Tourism in Hojaley district of the Republic of Karakalpakstan was organised by the Tashkent State University of Economics.

At the conference, Professor Tony Zou, Vice-Rector of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, Tongqian Tongqian, delivered a lecture on "Climate Change and Tourism Transformation: Theoretical Frontiers and Best Practices". Speaking at the conference, the Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, Professor Kongratbay Sharipov, spoke about the importance of the conference. Nobel Peace Prize recipient, officials from Karakalpakstan government, UNESCO Uzbekistan Commission, experts from UNEP and Harvard University delivered speeches on the conference. More than 200 scholars, officials and university students took part this conference.

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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