

In connection with the “International Day of Environmental Protection” on 5 June, the Department of work with youth of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage and the Department of Tourism together with foreign and local students studying at the university organised an “eco-movement around tourist sites”.

As part of the eco-action, the participants organised the cleaning of rubbish collected around “Karatepi Reservoir” in Urgut district. While sorting the rubbish, plastic containers, iron containers of different types, polythene bags and other waste were collected separately. The participants of the campaign also propagated that it is everyone's duty to maintain ecological cleanliness by cleaning the surroundings of the ‘Karatepa’ reservoir in front of travellers who come and rest here.

They contributed to the cleanliness of the environment which is alive with the maintenance of environmental cleanliness by the students of the university. Such actions play an important role in the preservation of ecology, contributing to the further formation of the young generation's love for nature.

On 5 June of this year, a tourism festival was organised for foreign and local students studying at the university in cooperation with the Youth Work Department at the mahalla ‘Teshiktosh’, ‘Karatepa water reservoir’ and tourist village ‘Tersak’ located in Urgut district.

During the festival, the students had a close look at the hotels and the conditions that are created around the Karatepa Reservoir for the convenience of holidaymakers on the beaches.

The participants visited the Tersak tourist village of the district and along with getting a close look at the life of the village, they also enjoyed our national cuisine and danced while singing songs.

The university students also promoted their own tourism initiatives and also learnt about such innovations. At the end of the event, all the participants thanked the organisers of the Tourism Festival.

Thursday, 06 June 2024 11:04


To the attention of the applicants who have applied to study in postgraduate institutes of higher education at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage for the 3rd quarter of 2024. On the 7th of June of this year at 14:30, there will be an interview with candidates for admission to the independent researcher (PhD) at our university. SCHEDULE OF INTERVIEWS WITH CANDIDATES for admission to independent research (PhD) at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage

Code and name of the speciality

Name of the subject in which the interview is conducted

Day and time of the interview

Location of interview

Independent Research (PhD)


08.00.17 –  Tourism and hotel activities


7 June 2024 14:30

University building, room 230


08.00.13- Management


7 June 2024 14:30

University building, room 230


08.00.11 – Marketing


7 June 2024 14:30

University building, room 230


08.00.05-Economy of service industries


7 June 2024 14:30

University building, room 230


10.00.06 – Comparative Literature, Crosslinguistics and Translation Studies


7 June 2024 14:30

University building, room 230

* Entrance examinations for applicants to study at postgraduate institutes of higher education at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage are held on the basis of examination programs for profile subjects (examination programs for specialties are attached). Please come to the interview half an hour before the interview with an identity document (passport).

Wednesday, 05 June 2024 17:04


In the journals indexed in the international database of scientific and technical information “Scopus”, “ScienceDirect”, “Web of Science” and other international scientific and technical databases listed in paragraph 17 of Annex 2 to the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from October 8, 2019 № DP-5847” on the approval of the Concept of development of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030 set the task by 2025 to bring the number of articles to 4000 per year.In order to ensure the implementation of this decree, the company ‘Elsevier’, one of the leading international scientific journals and databases of scientific and technical information ‘Scopus’, ‘ScienceDirect’, ‘Web of Science’ and other international scientific and technical databases listed in paragraph 17 of Annex 2 to the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from October 8, 2019 № UP-5847
The webinar provides the following information and instructions:
✅ Searching and selecting scientific literature using Science Direct and Scopus
✅ Selecting international journals for publishing articles and determining their ranking
✅ Guidelines of journal editorial boards on article preparation and recommendations on ethics of article preparation

Dear researchers, you will be required to participate in the webinar at 100%.

The link to register for the webinar is:

Приглашение Вебинар Elsevier Июнь 6.pdf

The results of the 2nd American Speech Competition held on May 29, 2024 were announced! The 15 most outstanding students among the freshmen of the Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage competed with each other in public speaking on the most pressing issues today. The American penal of judges were entrusted with the task of evaluating the speeches based on Delivery, Clarity, Content, Conviction, and Time Management. All the participants managed to connect with the audience with their topics and left an indelible mark on their hearts and minds. All the participants were awarded memorable presents and certificates of participation. According to the results, the following students were awarded the prizes:

Sevil Kantakuzina (Guide-123) won 1st place raising one of the most vital issues of the global community- Women’s rights and suggested developing Feminism around the globe as a solution to the problem!

Asaliya Saidakhmedova (Guide-223) won 2nd place, and could touch everyone’s soul and heart with her convicting speech on treating girls with the same amount of love and providing them with the same opportunities as boys get!

Feruza Abdusaidova (Guide-123) was awarded 3rd place, for her candid approach to upbringing girls from their early ages to be independent and respected!

The winners were awarded memorable presents (power bank for the winner of first place, earphones for the winners of second and third places) and certificates of 1st, 2nd and 3rd places!

In accordance with the consortium signed between Uzbekistan and higher education institutions of France, representatives of YSchools University, in particular Antoine Guillemet, Director of International Office, Wassim Bendimerad, Manager of International Cooperation and Recruitment, and Dr. Socrat Ghadban, Head of the Tourism Department visited our university.

The French side expressed its high consideration on establishing the strong cooperation in jointly applying to the Erasmus+ KA171 for scientific researchers and student mobility project, establishing a summer school, student exchange programs, supervising researchers in collaboration, and establishing cooperation with UNWTO Samarkand Tourism Academy.

During the meeting, sides have discussed partnering in establishment of the “Uzbek Studies” department (in accordance with PD-19 dated Jan,12.2024) in France, and jointly developing programs to develop the tourism and increase the flow of tourists in Payarik, Urgut, Taylak and Samarkand districts of the region (in accordance with PD-135).

In order to ensure the implementation of the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On rapid development of tourism potential of the republic and additional measures to further increase the number of domestic and foreign tourists” DP-135, a group of professors and teachers of the Department of History and Cultural Heritage of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage visited Toylok district and they gave a number of proposals and recommendations to further improve the tourism potential of the district.

The members of the working group made their proposals on adding to the list of tourist objects and attracting tourists through wide popularisation of the hill of Ispandiyortepa located in the mahalla “Mubarak” of the district, the mausoleum of Ad-Doramiy located in the mahalla “Navbahor”, the hills of “Khojaguzar” located in the district “Bogichinor”. The teachers of the department also communicated with the representatives of the population and shared their opinions on t

Wednesday, 05 June 2024 09:52


“Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage started the work of “Call-Centre” for admission for the academic year 2024-2025. For all questions related to admission, you can contact the specialists of this “Call-centre”.

On June 1, on the occasion of “International Children's Day”, the Department of Sports Training of the university organised a swimming competition between foreign and local students studying at our university and the youth of four mahallas of Samarkand in the swimming pool of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. Within the framework of the competition the youth of mahallas and students of our university competed in single and team events. Participants who showed high results in the competition were awarded with certificates.

On 31 May of this year, the opening of the Young Professionals International Internships Program (YPIP) took place in Tashkent. This 3-month summer internship program is a good opportunity for students to receive skills training, network, and improve their knowledge and experience. Along with students from all regions of our country, 3rd year students of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage Abduvokhidova Munisa, Arslonova Guzal and Albina Kholieva also took part in the professional internship program.

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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