“Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage announces the competition “The Most Active Student of the Year”.
Want to become the most active student of the year, then this chance is just for you. The competition determines the winners in the following 7 categories:
The best knowledgeable student of the year in his/her speciality;
The most active propagandist student of the year;
The most active inventor-innovator student of the year;
The most active sportsman student of the year;
The most talented student of the year
The most active creative student of the year;
The most active entrepreneur student of the year (for women).
Attention! Only full-time students can participate in the competition!
You can familiarize with the terms and conditions of the competition by the following application!
To participate in the competition, you can apply to the dean's office till 25 October 2024 and provide the necessary document!
On October 2-3, the last day of the 1st International Scientific and Practical Symposium “Topical Issues in the Study and Preservation of the Material and Cultural Heritage of the Silk Road” in cooperation with the UNESCO office in Uzbekistan and Silk Road International Research Institute was also held very productively at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage in Samarkand. Practical work and future challenges in the field of cultural heritage were analyzed by representatives of scientific circles, experts. The totality of all the reports read at the symposium was organized in the form of a large book. In addition, the opening of a UNESCO Chair at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage on the first day of the conference also became a great reality among the representatives of the scientific circle.
- For me, this conference was significant in that it contained comprehensive analysis and results. I am glad that the UNESCO Office in Uzbekistan will work in cooperation with Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage,” said Sara Noshadi, Head of the UNESCO Office in Uzbekistan.
On the final working day of the symposium, certificates were presented to a group of foreign and local participants and organizers who actively participated in the symposium.
On October 3 of this year the tutor of the university, Pirnazar Islamov visited the student dormitory and held a round table on the topic of organization and increasing the effectiveness of spiritual and moral, educational work among students and youth, as well as “healthy lifestyle”. In the course of the conversation the questions concerning suggestions and feedback were studied, such tasks as healthy eating and keeping the dormitory clean were explained.
On October 3, a delegation led by Professor Chin Fulin of the Northwest University of China and Professor Maten of the Institute of this higher education institution visited the Academy of Tourism. At first, the guests took part in the opening of the laboratory designed to carry out developments in the field of cultural heritage, which was organized at the Academy of Tourism on the initiative of the Chinese state. First of all, they cut the symbolic ribbon and touched upon the future activities of this laboratory. Also today, a delegation led by Prof. Chin Fulin of Northwestern University and Prof. Maten of the Institute under this university began a scientific and practical conference with the participation of Kazakh, Kyrgyz and Uzbek archaeologists. At the international conference “Protection and utilization of the cultural heritage of the Silk Road of the history of the art of technology” the deputy khokim of the region R.Kobilov opened the conference with an introductory speech and wished good luck in the work of the conference. The organizer of the conference was the vice-rector of our university, Professor T.Zou. The first vice-rector of our university D.Nasimov, respected academician A.Askarov and representatives of foreign scientific circles made reports on a number of important topics at the conference.
Guided by tutors of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage and students enrolled at the university in the 2024/2025 academic year, visited the cinema ‘Star of the East’ in Samarkand to show a feature film dedicated to the legendary Emir of Samarkand, warlord Bahadir Yalangtosh, which was filmed on the initiative of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Cinematography Agency under the Ministry of Culture and the administration of Samarkand region together with the Ezgu Film studio under the direction of Jahongir Akhmedov.
The presentation of such films will further strengthen the sense of admiration for our forefathers in the youth.
After the film, the tutors of the group shared their conclusions about the film with the students.
2 октября текущего года заведующая отдела по работе с молодежью и мероприятиям международного университета туризма и культурного наследия ”Шелковый путь” Н.Абдувахидовой для студентов первого курса университета было организовано мероприятие “фундамент Нового Узбекистана”. В ходе мероприятия студентам была предоставлена информация о месте и роли образования и науки в становлении и развитии нового Узбекистана, о современных тенденциях реформирования системы образования, о применении на практике мирового опыта и его результатах. Также на мероприятии было рассказано о проводимых в новом Узбекистане реформах в сфере образования и науки.
Как определено в постановлении Президента Республики Узбекистан от 12 июля 2024 года «О расширении работы по изучению, пропаганде и увековечению памяти наших соотечественников, ставших жертвами политических репрессий», с нового учебного года текущего года Жертвы репрессий будут включены в «Уроки независимости» в нашем университете, включая тренинги, посвященные представителям джадидистского движения. Кроме того, под лозунгом «Историческая память, духовность и духовное образование – основа Нового Узбекистана», как определено в программе, будут организованы встречи трех поколений, мероприятия на тему памяти и признательности.
Today, on 2 October, in cooperation with “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, UNESCO office in Uzbekistan and “Silk Road” International Research Institute, the 1st International Scientific and Practical Symposium “Topical Issues in the Study and Preservation of the tangible and cultural heritage of the Silk Road” has started its work.
This conference is held on 2-3 October and foreign and local specialists in the field of cultural heritage and representatives of scientific circles take part in it. At the opening of the symposium, the first vice-rector of our university D. Nasimov read out a congratulatory speech and a lecture by the rector of our university А.Abdukhakimov addressed to the participants of the conference. Then Sara Noshadi, Head of the UNESCO Office in Uzbekistan, Master of Cultural Heritage Management, spoke about the conservation and restoration of about 8,000 historical structures with practical works in the field of cultural heritage in Uzbekistan to date. Importantly, the symposium also included the official opening of a UNESCO Chair under “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.
Conference organiser M. Yusupova, Director of “Silk Road” International Research Institute, noted that the collection of lectures at this symposium, which was read for the first time, was brought in the form of one big book, which will serve a number of practical works in the future. Lectures of foreign and local specialists and professors were also delivered at the event.
The work of the symposium continues in sessions.
At the “Orientation Week” events at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, female students were introduced to the advantages offered to women under the main idea of “Let us be united - we are one nation, together - our homeland!”
On 2 October of this year, Chairwoman of the Women’s Council of “Silk Road” For a new life, for a new Uzbekistan”, M. Abbasova congratulates faculty, staff and students on the occasion of the beginning of the 2024-2025 academic year.
At the meeting, students were introduced to the members of the council, the activities (structure) of the council and the goals and objectives of the Girls’ Leader clubs organised under it. After that, the chairperson of the council, M. Abbasova, presented lectures to the participants on the topics “Legal guarantees of the rights of women and children’ and ‘Prevention of harassment and violence against women”. The lecture explained the essence of the Act “On amendments and additions to certain legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan in connection with the further improvement of the system of reliable protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of women and children”.
It was also noted at the meeting that the legitimate interests of the rights of women in our country are protected.
Tongqian Zou, a professor of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, published a research article entitled ‘“Understanding Local People’s Support Intentions toward Cultural Heritage Tourism: An Examination through Stimulus-Organism-Response Perspective”. The article was published in “Journal of Resources and Ecology” in May 2024 to investigate local residents’ support and participation in the development of cultural heritage tourism. The study analyses cultural heritage tourism based on how it affects local people, their attitudes towards tourism and the factors that shape these attitudes based on the stimulus-organism-response theory.
This article aims to explore in depth the interaction between local people and tourism, offering scientific and practical recommendations for the further development of cultural heritage tourism in the future. This research paper contributes to the research of the university in the field of tourism and is one of the important studies presented to the international community.
More information about the article can be found on the official website of the “Journal of Resources and Ecology”:
J. Resour. Ecol. 2024 15(3): 745-753
DOI: 10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2024.03.020 www.jorae.cn
As part of the orientation week of the new academic year, representatives of the university held meetings with freshmen. In particular, the university psychologist Dildora Turdiyeva presented her orientation program.
During the meeting the students got acquainted with the work of the psychologist and received detailed information about the types of psychological services provided at the university. Undoubtedly, there are some difficulties in the life of young men and women who have entered the wonderful period of student life. Therefore, D. Turdieva shared her constructive recommendations and advice on adaptation of students to new conditions and educational process.
At the end of the meeting all the participants left a positive impression with psychogymnastic practice, which helped to raise their spirits and motivation.
Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.
dummy+99866 240-67-68
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