Everyone knows that these days various events are being held throughout the country within the framework of the month “Prevention of Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Spread among Youth”.
In this regard, Dildora Turdiyeva, a psychologist of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, together with students held a campaign “Value life, don't waste it!”.
As part of the implementation of the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 26 April 2023 “On additional measures to accelerate the development of the tourism potential of the Republic and further increase the number of local and foreign tourists”, in accordance with the “Road Map” for the integrated use of resources and opportunities in the field of tourism and the early resolution of existing problems in 2023, it was planned to build and operate a dormitory on the basis of public-private partnership with “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.
Over the last year, construction began, and within six months the dormitory building was built and put into operation. The rector of our university A. Abdukhakimov attended the opening ceremony of the dormitory. At first, the rector of our university familiarised himself with the tourism projects to be built in the city of Samarkand and the Technical School of Tourism and Cultural Heritage and gave his necessary recommendations. After that, with the participation of the rector and other officials, a symbolic ribbon was cut for the opening of the dormitory building and familiarisation with the conditions and facilities created for the students took place. The dormitory building with all necessary conditions is designed for four hundred places and consists of five floors. Each room is designed to accommodate four people, which creates such conditions as rest, laundry, preparation for lessons, cooking. The hostel has also created sports clubs for international and local students, a library, and a garden has been built around the building.
“I have been living in the dormitory of this university for three months now, and I personally like the conditions here very much. It has all the equipment a student needs. I am happy that everything is here for us to prepare lessons, relax, do sports, go out,” says Kahaya Trinala Kinanti, an Indonesian student.
In addition to organising various activities on a regular basis to provide meaningful youth leisure activities, the dormitory has also set up professional club activities.
On February 15 of this year, at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, on the topic of the history of the development of “Silk Road” Samarkand tourism center, Tong Qian Zou, the vice-rector for scientific research and innovation of the university, gave a speech to university researchers and professor o A seminar was organized for teachers. Managing Director of Silk Road Samarkand Tourism Center (Hilton, Hilton Garden Inn, Minyoun, Lia, H Holding Inn, Crown Plaza) Haji Gurbanov participated in the seminar with his presentation on history of the development of Silk Road Samarkand Tourism Center and its information was given about the ways of strategic development.
День рождения Захириддина Мухаммада Бабура широко отмечался в нашем университете14 февраля - день рождения нашего великого предка, искусного полководца, царя и поэта Захируддина Мухаммада Бабура. Сегодня в актовом зале нашего университета прошло образовательное мероприятие. На мероприятии с участием преподавателей и студентов университета сначала начальник отдела по работе с молодежью и организации мероприятий и председатель женсовета М. Аббасова подробно рассказала о жизни и деятельности Захириддина Бабура. После этого активные члены клуба девушек при женсовете провели викторину, состоящую из вопросов и ответов о царе и поэте. Студенты также активно отвечали на вопросы и читали образцы газелей Бабура.
Известно, что Тимуридзаде Захируддин Мухаммад Бабур стал наследником престола в возрасте 12 лет после своего отца. После некоторых трудностей и испытаний, таких как борьба за трон между Тимуридами, он с небольшим количеством воинов отправляется через современный Афганистан, чтобы завоевать Индию и построить сильное государство.
On 14 February of this year, within the framework of the month “Prevention of the spread of drugs and psychotropic substances among young people”, a preventive event with the participation of responsible officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan was held at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. Students, professors and teachers of our university, as well as tutors took part in the event. Speaking at the event, the deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Department Ahmadjan Matlyubov firstly told that today meetings with young people are held in higher educational institutions of Samarkand to prevent the spread of drugs and psychotropic substances among young people, every young person should be wary of this poisonous killer. After that, the responsible officer of the ministry informed about different cases of drug addiction and awareness and ignorance of young people. Also at the event, the chief doctor of the regional narcological dispensary told that among those who go to the hospital today are people of different ages and those who have come under the influence of this disease may face a lifelong affliction. At the end of the meeting, the students were shown a documentary film about the negative impact of drugs and how those who spread this poison influence young people through social networks.
On 9 February of this year, the Embassy of Uzbekistan in the Russian Federation hosted an event dedicated to the works and activities of А.Navoi. N.Nurullo, a lecturer of our university, also participated and lectured at this poetry evening.
I am very glad that I took part in such a great spiritual-educational event. You know, the great thinker A.Jami was the teacher of A.Navoi, who was the sultan of Uzbek poetry. The event was organised with great skill, and lectures were given on the outstanding contribution of А.Navoi to literature and culture, said N.Nurullo, a participant in the event.
Indeed, А.Navoi is considered one of the great scholars not only of the Uzbek people who worked in Turkey, but also of the whole world.
On these days, within the framework of the 14th meeting of the conference of participants of the UN Convention for the preservation of migratory species of wild animals (CMS COP14), which held in Samarkand, an exhibition of paintings entitled “The Moving unique fauna” was opened in the Art residence by the International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage “Silk Road”. The opening of the exhibition was attended by the Minister of Ecology, Environmental Protection and climate change of Uzbekistan, Rector of University Aziz Abduhakimov and heads of international organizations, forum participants. The organizers noted that the main goal of this creative Plener is to strengthen the feeling of affection for unique nomads included in the "Red Book of Uzbekistan", to demonstrate the unique natural heritage of our country, to raise the ecological culture and consciousness of the younger generation. The exhibition features about 100 paintings by 40 young artists, sorted by plener, organized in January of this year in collaboration with the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and climate change, the Academy of Fine Arts and the Uzbekistan State Art Museum. Among them, it is established that the best creative works are selected by a prestigious jury, and the authors are awarded with cash prizes. The exhibition will be open to locals and visitors for a month.
Speaker: Mr. Haji Gurbanov, Managing Director Silk Road Samarkand Tourism Center (Hilton, Hilton Garden Inn, Minyoun, Lia, H Holding Inn, Crown Plaza)
Topic: The Development Story of Silk Road Samarkand Tourism Center
Moderator: Vice rector and Professor Tony Zou, “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage
Venue: Lecture Hall 229
Time: 2:00 – 3:00 pm, Feb. 15th, 2024 (Thursday)
Today, 12 January, in the room 119 of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage a meeting on the use and quality maintenance of Hemis system is held. The meeting, led by A.Gadaev, attended the heads of departments and heads of departments responsible for this topic. Speaking at the meeting, A.Tukhtamishov, Head of the Department of Education Quality Assurance and Accreditation, told about the results of the first semester and further improvement of the quality of education during the class. The meeting also exchanged views on the information about the attendance of students who left more than 74 hours of classes in the first semester, on the payment and attendance of students who were sent a warning letter, as well as on the division of groups, inclusion of their teachers' data in the Hemis system.
At the critical and analytical last meeting, necessary directions and instructions were given to the heads of responsible departments and divisions.
Bukhara Technical School of Tourism and Cultural Heritage aims to train qualified personnel in accordance with international standards in the field of tourism and service management. To this end, various master classes, on-site training practices are constantly organised during the educational process, and students' knowledge and skills are enhanced.
On the 9th of February of this year a master class was organised for students in the technical workshop "Service in the restaurant hall" together with Bukhara City Monomark "Welcome To Work".
At the master class, conducted by a specialist with many years of experience in this field G. Rahimova, the rules of service in the restaurant hall, processes of service and communication with customers, tablecloths were perfectly mastered.
Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.
dummy+99866 240-67-68
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