These days employees of the Marketing and Recruitment Department of our university hold various meetings and dialogues in secondary schools of Samarkand. The next meeting of the department staff was held on 23 January at the 37th general secondary school of the city, specialising in English. Basically, during the dialogue conducted by the high school graduates, detailed information was given about the activities of our university and the conditions created in it. High school pupils also said that they had a lot of information about our university, asked about what prestigious universities our university cooperates with abroad, about the opportunities created for students. These questions were also answered in detail.
It should be said that in the current academic year 187 pupils are graduating this public school.
In order to promote the activities of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, which trains qualified specialists of international level in the field of tourism, as well as the work carried out at this university to attract educated and potential graduates interested in this field to our university, on 23 January of this year, the staff of the Marketing and Recruitment Department held a meeting with 110 pupils of the 11th grade studying in the 45th school of Samarkand. During the meeting, detailed explanations were given about the activities of our university. Detailed answers to the questions of the pupils were also given. During the dialogue school youth were given information flyers about the activities of our university.
3 February 2024, at 14:00 and at 16:00 (University building room 108), in which defends the scientific degrees in economic sciences of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage and the scientific seminar at the Academic Council:DSc.33/01.02.2022.I.145.01:
1. Discussion of the dissertation of the Independent researcher of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage Tukhtamishov Aziz Kahramanovich written on the theme "Improving the economic mechanism for innovative development of the tourism sector based on the cluster approach" on the speciality 08.00.17 - "Tourism and hotel activity" (economic sciences), for receiving the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD);
2. Discussion of the dissertation of the Independent researcher of Termez State University Khamzaeva Dilfuza Samarovna written on the topic "Priority directions of diversification and seasonality of tourist products" on the speciality 08.00.17 - "Tourism and hotel activity" (economic sciences), for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).
On 17 January this year, teachers of the department of “Tourism Management” of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage Charos Makhmadieva and Akmalbek Davronov held a meeting with residents of the mahallas “Nayman” va “Nurafshon” of Toylok district, where they delivered their lectures within the framework of the agitation “For a new life, for a new Uzbekistan!” under the slogan “Mahallada duv-duv gap”.
District activists and mahalla residents took part in the event. The event discussed reforms and progress in the construction of New Uzbekistan in the coming years.
Activists of the district and mahalla, mentors and schoolchildren took part in the event. Active participants of the event were given various gifts and books.
On 17 January this year, teachers of the department of “Tourism Management” of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage Mahliyo Umarova, Sardor Joydikov, Dilrabo Mardonova held a meeting with residents of the mahallas “Uzunqishloq” and “Ukrach” of Toylok district, where they delivered their lectures within the framework of the agitation “For a new life, for a new Uzbekistan!” under the slogan “Mahallada duv-duv gap”.
Mahalla activists, a youth leader of the mahalla, an assistant mahalla governor, the deputy chairwoman for women’s affairs, mentors and schoolchildren took part in the event and expressed their views on the sweeping reforms and progress made in building a new Uzbekistan.
Books were presented to participants who were active during the event.
On January 19, 2024, Dildora Turdieva, a psychologist of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, held a motivational training on the topic “Happiness through self-love!”.
The event, attended by faculty and staff, theoretically and practically explained how self-confidence is a great strength of a person, thanks to which he or she can be happy and lucky. With the help of special psychological methods, the skills of learning to accept oneself as one is, to be here and now, that is, to be in a real state, and thus to channel one's energy into one's inner world were formed.
With the help of relaxation exercises the skills of looking into one’s inner world, seeing the mood in colors, self-control, regulating the state of mind were developed. Interesting team games brought positive emotions and good mood to the participants.
Every graduate of secondary school faces the question of what prestigious university I will study at and in the future I will get an educated speciality. Answering this question, now it will be necessary to start their way by entering “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage and say that here you can get education of international level and become a qualified specialist in the field of tourism and cultural heritage. On 19 January of this year, the visit of the graduates of Pastdargoma District Specialised School No. 2 to our university also made a great impression on the school youth. They admired the fact that the students of our university study in conditions that comply with international standards. I plan to graduate the specialised school No. 2 where I studied and get an education at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage," says one of the pupils with an international certificate.
In accordance with Presidential Decree No. F-79 of 14 December 2023 “On measures to prepare and hold the celebration of the 32nd anniversary of the formation of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Day of Defender of the Fatherland”, on 22 January 2024, 1st year students of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage visited the military unit of the city of Kattakurgan and got acquainted with the library.
Signed memorandum of understanding and cooperation agreements among the countries:
- United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
- Canterbury Christ Church Universitety (QS ranking 1100)
- Holon Institute of Technology (Global ranking 5000)
- UCSI University (QS ranking 300)
- Mara University of Technology (QS ranking 300)
- Management and Science University (QS ranking 600)
The Republic of Korea:
- Gyeongsang National University (QS ranking 700)
- Jeju Tourism University
People's Republic of China:
- Beijing International Studies University (QS ranking 1100)
- Kainan University, Taiwan (Global ranking 5000)
- Zhejiang International Studies University (Global ranking 5000)
- Nanjing Institute of Tourism and Hospitality
- Ege University (QS ranking 1001-1100 rating)
- Mugla Sitki Kocman Universitety (Global rating 2000)
- Gunadarma University (Global ranking 3500)
- Diana Nusantara University
- BITS Bali Tourism Institute
- Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya University
- ESA Unggul University
- Muhammadiyah Jakarta University
- Pancasila Universiteti
Kyrgyz Republic:
- International University named after K. Sh. Toktamatov
The Republic of Kazakhstan:
- Karaganda University named after E.A. Buketov
Russian Federation:
- Southern University
Student exchange programs:
Our students are now studying through established exchange programs with Wakayama University (Japan), Beijing International Studies University (PRC), Zhejiang International Studies University (PRC), North-West University (PRC), Nanjing University of Tourism and Hospitality (PRC), Kainan University ((PRC, Taiwan), Ege University (Turkey) and other foreign HEIs.
University staff participation at international conferences and events in 2023:
Traineeships of academics and employees in oversea:
Guest lectures and seminars for university students and academics:
Organized major events at SRIUTCH:
- Congress on "Gastronomic Tourism for Humanity and Earth: Innovation, Opportunities and Sustainability" in cooperation with "Pamukkala" University, Turkey;
- Opening ceremony of the Indonesian corner with participation of 60 representatives of 8 Indonesian universities;
- A special meeting of the "Union of Turkic World Universities of the Organization of Turkic States (TURKUNIB)" with participation of over 50 members from OTS member country university representatives and experts;
- The opening ceremony of the Indian corner. Indian ambassador in Uzbebekistan H.E. Manish Prabhat, embassy staff, Indian students of our university took part in the ceremony.
- At the Art Gallery (Art Station) in Samarkand, the opening ceremony of the exhibition “Inner horizon: Uzbekistan in the pictures of Ella Mayar of the 1930s” was organized, which showed photographs taken by the Swiss traveler, athlete, photographer and writer Ella Mayar during her trip to Central Asia.
- The opening ceremony of the joint laboratory of human and environmental studies of China-Central Asia “One Belt and One Road” and the Joint International Laboratory of scientific and technological protection of archeology and cultural heritage of China-Uzbekistan. Ceremony attended: Rector of the university Aziz Abdukhakimov, Secretary of Shaanxi Province of the Communist Party of China Zhao Yide, Deputy Governor of Samarkand Region Rustam Kobilov, Vice President of North-West University Zhang Jiang.
- An event dedicated to the start of the youth environmental camp in Central Asia. This eco-camp is organized with the support of the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change, the Ministry of Preschool and School Education, the Ministry of Youth Policy and Sports, “Zamin” International Public Foundation, UNICEF, UNESCO, UNDP and FAO.
- A scientific-practical conference entitled "Perspectives for the development of sustainable tourism and cultural heritage in the SCO countries”. Conference attended: Shri Janesh Kain, Deputy Secretary General of the SCO, and representatives of SCO member countries HEIs and experts in the field of tourism from Malaysia, England, China, Russia, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan
On 17 January this year, teachers of the department of “Tourism Management” of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage Ibragimov Husen and Maftuna Kobilova held a meeting with residents of the mahallas “Uzbekistan” and “Oray-Elipok” of Toylok district, where they delivered their lectures within the framework of the agitation “For a new life, for a new Uzbekistan!” under the slogan “Mahallada duv-duv gap”.
District activists and mahalla residents took part in the event. The event discussed reforms and progress in the construction of New Uzbekistan in the coming years.
Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.
dummy+99866 240-67-68