It is known that annually professors and teachers of our university improve their knowledge and skills by participating in international scientific and practical conferences, seminars in the field of tourism in universities of many countries of the world.
On the 4th of January of this year the professor of our university Nargiz Nurulla Hodjaeva also took part in the seminar on the topic “Dancing Merchants: The Tourism Gems of the Ancient Silk Road” organised by the School of Hotel and Tourism Management at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in Hong Kong. This seminar presented interesting facts about the history of the Great Silk Road, the life of merchants along it, wealth and integration from the 6th century BC to the Genghisid era. The seminar was notable for the fact that already at this time the formation of international trade relations was taking place, reflecting the growing intensity of urban life and the beginnings of the early manifestations of tourism.
The seminar recognised the active participation of a professor of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.
On 5 January of the current year in the university hall there was an extended meeting of the university staff. First Vice-Rector of the university J.Eltazarov held the meeting. He familiarised the participants of the meeting with the results of external evaluation of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage on certification and state accreditation, conducted by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation. Head of the Department of “Education Quality Assurance and Accreditation” of the university A.K.Tukhtamishov also spoke on the agenda of the meeting and expressed his proposals to solve the problems and shortcomings identified in the process of external evaluation.
The meeting developed and approved the “Roadmap” to address the shortcomings identified in the process of External Evaluation. Also at this meeting, held in a critical spirit, within the framework of the development of the Concept of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030, the state of implementation of the target indicators of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage for 2023 was analysed. According to the results of the analysis, along with recognising the achievements of the university staff in the reporting year, the reports of curators on the objects for which the set indicators were not fulfilled to a sufficient degree were also heard and appropriate decisions were made. Following the results of the meeting, the concept defined the target indicators of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage for 2024. Also at the meeting were discussed priority tasks to be fulfilled by the staff of the university in 2024, the heads were given appropriate instructions.
According to the results of the meeting on the basis of the Decree № PF-158 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from 11 September 2023 “On the Strategy of Uzbekistan-2030” approved the current educational programmes of the university, in order to further expand the sphere of higher education, improve the quality of training of highly educated specialists, to ensure the international attractiveness of the educational institution developed and approved a control plan to ensure the preparation of current educational programmes of the university for international accreditation, as well as to ensure the international accreditation of the university.
Dear teachers, staff and dear students of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage! With all my heart I congratulate you on the coming year 2024. I wish peace of mind to your family, good health to you and high achievements in your scientific activities. It is worth recognising that in today’s rapidly developing world such professors as you show enthusiasm in educating the younger generation, in preparing comprehensively educated and qualified specialists for the tourism sphere, which is growing day by day. As you know, the active participation of our students together with professors and lecturers of our university in conferences of international level organised in the city of Samarkand in 2023 and their recognition by the participants show how well educated and insightful our young generation is. One of the great news was that the Tourism Academy was opened in the outgoing year. This Tourism Academy will be significant for the student youth in that it will make a huge contribution to harmonising practice with theory. In addition, our university signed cooperation agreements with prestigious universities and organisations in many countries around the world. This is also of great significance for future academic and student exchanges, increasing mutual experiences. The outgoing year of 2023 has gone down in history as one of the best years in terms of the wide range of successes of our university staff. I hope that in new year, together with the staff, we will contribute to the reforms under the leadership of our president, realising ambitious plans.
Again, I congratulate all of you on the coming year 2024. The New Year may it be successful, favourable and blessed for our team!
Sincerely, Rector of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage A.A. Abdukhakimov
As it is known, on 22 December of this year under the chairman of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev an enlarged meeting of the Council of Spirituality and Enlightenment was held. At the meeting, our honourable president put forward important initiatives on 9 directions in the field of spirituality and enlightenment. At this meeting, tasks were set to determine the results and future priorities of reforms carried out in the field of spirituality, enlightenment, culture, art and creativity. For the timely implementation of these tasks, on 28 December of this year, a seminar was held at "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage with the participation of vice-rectors, professors and specialists.
First Vice-Rector of the University J.Eltazarov made a speech at the seminar, starting it with an introductory speech and talking about how important are the tasks set by our President. After that, N.Abduvokhidova, head of the department of work with youth and organisation of events, who spoke at the seminar, touched upon the tasks facing teachers and specialists on further activation of work in this direction. At the event, the work to be carried out at the university based on the tasks set by our President was defined, and the responsible persons were given the necessary instructions and assignments.
On December 27 of this year, an exhibition on “Paradise Gardens of Samarkand: Unity in the Diversity of Ornaments in Islamic Architecture” was organised at the Art Station of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. Speakers at the event, organisers, industry experts and professors spoke about the importance of this exhibition.
The exhibition showcases ornament samples from existing architectural monuments of Samarkand. This exhibition was organised with the support of Aziz Abdukhakimov, Minister of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of the Republic of Uzbekistan, under the guidance of Dona Kulmatova, and is the result of research by young scientists of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage Shakhrizoda Oromjonova, Albina Kholieva, Mirjal Ochilov, Fatima and Zuhra Bakhromkulova. Also, under the scientific guidance of the Dean of the Faculty of Tourism Management Rano Toshniyozova, an analytical study of ornaments on architectural monuments of the Timurid period of the city of Samarkand was carried out.
The Hungarian government provides educational grants to approximately 90 countries annually, including offering grants for bachelor’s and master’s degrees and grants for PhD programmes for citizens of Uzbekistan.
Documents can be submitted online till 15 January 2024.
Detailed information is attached.
appendix 1
appendix 2
Khuriyat Radjabova, a student of the part-time study programme of our university and a member of the Union of Masters, has been recognised for many years for sewing different kinds of national clothes and making national jewellery with her talents and efforts.
On 25 December of this year, the Chairperson of the Women’s Council of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, M. Abbasova, with the initiative of student Khuriyat Rajabova, organised an exhibition of unusual national outfits and national jewellery of her own making, created by this student. Thankfully, this student teaches all the secrets of mastery skills to her peers.
On December 22, 2023 at 10:00 in room 108 at “Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage a scientific seminar was organized on the preliminary results of the dissertation work on the topic “English literary criticism of the late twentieth century and the poetics of odorocolophonic units in the works of Chingiz Aitmatov and their Uzbek translation: Comparison and perception” in the specialty “10.00.06 - Comparative Literature, Crosslinguistics and Translation Studies” by a doctoral student of the Department of Languages Abdusalamova Lobar Akbar Kizi, selected to receive the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).
Upbringing and education play an important role in raising young people to be mature people in all respects. At the same time, it is important to organise meetings with the military and hold talks with them in educating young people in the spirit of love and loyalty to the Motherland.
In order to ensure the implementation of Presidential Decree No. 79 of 14 December 2023, “On measures to prepare and hold events dedicated to the 32nd anniversary of the formation of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Day of Defender of the Fatherland”, 1st year students of “Silk Road” International University visited a military unit located in the city of Kattakurgan and got acquainted with the conditions and equipment created for them. The students and youngsters had a dialogue with the military personnel and got answers to their questions. The young guys were impressed by the conditions in the library of the military unit and the variety of literature.
On 22 December of this year, a delegation led by Sun Yao, Vice Minister of Education of the People’s Republic of China, visited “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. Professor Tong Qianzou, Vice-Rector of the university for Research, Innovation and Commercialisation, and the heads of the faculties of the university welcomed the guests.
During the meeting with the members of the delegation, Vice-Rector of our university provided information about the areas of cooperation established with higher education institutions of the People’s Republic of China, about the joint educational programme and practically existing academic exchange programmes. In his speech, Mr Sun Yao also said that he would be happy to establish cooperation with the two public higher education institutions in the future and provide support for new projects.
During the visit, the guests carefully got acquainted with the conditions created at the university and UNWTO Samarkand Tourism Academy.
Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.
dummy+99866 240-67-68