

On December 18 of this year, in order to ensure the implementation of Presidential Decree No. 79 of 14 December 2023, “On measures to prepare and hold events dedicated to the 32nd anniversary of the formation of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Day of Defender of the Fatherland” a group of employees, tutors and students of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage took part in the solemn event organized under the slogan “The new army of Uzbekistan is a symbol of the power of the country, pride and loyalty”!

The military plays, performances related to their activities shown at the event help to further strengthen the sense of high pride and love for the Motherland among the participants of the meeting.

The announcement of an open day in the military units of the region on 19-27 December within the framework of “Military-Patriotic Month” became a good news for students studying at our university.

One more good news on the threshold of the New Year. Five of the talented, knowledgeable and smart girls of our university, who rise every day and achieve considerable success, took part in the regional stage of the State Prize named after Zulfiya, and four of them won the republican stage.

These 3rd year students Mustafakulova Sabina in the scientific direction, Bakhromkulova Fatima and Bakhromkulova Zuhro in the social direction, and the 4th year student Jurayeva Shokhnigorbegim in the literary direction will participate in the republican stage of the competition. At the same time, it should be noted that in preparing these girls for the State Prize named after Zulfiya and other competitions, the chairman of the women’s council of our university M.Abbasova has her own hard work and efforts.

On behalf of the staff of our university we wish our students and girls good luck in the republican stage of the competition.

Thursday, 21 December 2023 09:22

A New Year’s gift

On December 19 of this year, New Year gifts were collected by the staff and students of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage and handed over to the pupils of the specialized vocational school for persons with disabilities of Samarkand city under the Department of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of Samarkand region. Thank you to those who helped!

Wednesday, 20 December 2023 18:02

Art therapy – let’s get to know ourselves!

On December 20, 2023 on the initiative of the Chairperson of the Women’s Advisory Council of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage M.Abbasova held a unique event for first-year students. D.Turdieva, a psychologist of the university, was invited to the event and conducted a master class on the topic “Art Therapy - Let’s Know Ourselves!”.

The event, organized in the cozy cafe of the training and production center, was held in a friendly, festive atmosphere. D.Turdieva gave detailed information about art therapy and spoke about its positive impact on mental and physical health. In the practical part, students chose their favorite figures and colored them. Thanks to this, the students had an opportunity to concentrate their attention, channel positive energy in a useful direction and look into their inner world.

Comprehensive support of youth is one of the priorities of the policy of our state. As you know, the administration of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage constantly holds meetings and dialogues at various levels with students and youth of our university. On December 20 of this year, the first vice-rector of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage J.Eltazarov organized an open dialogue “Head and Youth”. Together with full-time and part-time students of our university, the event was attended by vice-rectors and teachers of the university.

Such open and sincere communication of the vice-rector of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage with students and youth, while being a motivation for them, also serves to solve various proposals and initiatives, problems - says Darius Riazi, a teacher of French at our university.

In an open and sincere dialog, students and young people shared the prospects of tourism education and various proposals for entrepreneurship. The university vice-rector also spoke about the ongoing support of the university administration for such initiatives. Another amenity for the students at the event was the fact that a hostel is being built and commissioned on the basis of public-private partnership, where domestic and foreign students are equally provided for. The event also highlighted the activities of the Tourism Academy so that students and youth can combine practice with theory and voice their opinions today and tomorrow. At the event, diplomas and souvenirs were awarded to the students-youth who were active during the academic year.

On 19 December, students of our university presented an interesting theatrical performance entitled “Miracles of Trade on the Silk Road”. This performance was organized not only as a creative work of students and youth, but also as an educational exhibition skillfully organized by the master group of future archaeologists.

This theatrical production was remarkable in that it featured the ancient Silk Road market.

As we know, theatrical productions are also important to convey a certain reality in pedagogy to students. For the same reason, the performance organized by the students provided another glimpse of the vivid past of the Silk Road. Through stage performances, history demonstrated the activities of the network of different civilizations, trade routes from Samarkand to Xi’an, China.

In a few days, the new year will come in our country. On the occasion of this new year, a program was created to hold high-level festive activities on December 18 of this year. Initially, based on this program, the university was festively decorated and the activities for students started to be held at a high level.

On the initiative of the Student Parliament of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, a karaoke event “New Year Songs” and an intellectual game “New Year Mafia” were organized for student youth.

On December 19 of the current year, D.Turdiyeva, a psychologist of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, held a fantastic event called “Map of Wishes”.

Do you want your wishes to come true? Then be sure to write them down. The thing is that when we write down our thoughts, when we fix our desires and goals on paper, we focus and keep our attention on it. And where there is attention, there is energy. And, therefore, the fulfilment of desire.

In order to realize this idea, the university staff and students also wrote down their dreams and goals that they plan to realize in the coming year 2024 and put them on the wish card. The event, held under the sounds of instrumental music, gave all participants a good mood and allowed them to feel the spirit of the New Year holiday.

On December 15-16 of this year, an international scientific-practical conference on the topic “Regional characteristics, conditions and prospects of tourism development in the digital economy” was held in Samarkand State University named after Sharaf Rashidov. At this conference, Tony Zou, Vice-Rector of our university, spoke on the topic “AI and Smart Destination: Frontier Theories and Best Practices”. Tony Zou reviewed the progress of AI technologies in his career and their application in the tourism industry, especially in tourism destination, and expressed his views on the establishment of research and production practices.

Deputy Governor of Samarkand region Rustam Kobilov, scientists from Russia, Poland, Tajikistan, India, Germany and Uzbekistan attended the conference.

Recently, graduates of the Presidential School of Pastdargom District visited our university and had the opportunity to get acquainted with the life of the university. The students were very interested in the conditions and opportunities created here. Modern equipment of classrooms, especially for schoolchildren, a library rich in books in different languages, contributed to further increase of interest in our university.

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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