

Every graduate of secondary school faces the question of what prestigious university I will study at and in the future I will get an educated speciality. Answering this question, now it will be necessary to start their way by entering “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage and say that here you can get education of international level and become a qualified specialist in the field of tourism and cultural heritage. On 19 January of this year, the visit of the graduates of Pastdargoma District Specialised School No. 2 to our university also made a great impression on the school youth. They admired the fact that the students of our university study in conditions that comply with international standards. I plan to graduate the specialised school No. 2 where I studied and get an education at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage," says one of the pupils with an international certificate.

In accordance with Presidential Decree No. F-79 of 14 December 2023 “On measures to prepare and hold the celebration of the 32nd anniversary of the formation of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Day of Defender of the Fatherland”, on 22 January 2024, 1st year students of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage visited the military unit of the city of Kattakurgan and got acquainted with the library.

Signed memorandum of understanding and cooperation agreements among the countries:


- United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)


- Canterbury Christ Church Universitety (QS ranking 1100)


- Holon Institute of Technology (Global ranking 5000)


- UCSI University (QS ranking 300)

- Mara University of Technology (QS ranking 300)

- Management and Science University (QS ranking 600)

The Republic of Korea:

- Gyeongsang National University (QS ranking 700)

- Jeju Tourism University

People's Republic of China:

- Beijing International Studies University (QS ranking 1100)

- Kainan University, Taiwan (Global ranking 5000)

- Zhejiang International Studies University (Global ranking 5000)

- Nanjing Institute of Tourism and Hospitality


- Ege University (QS ranking 1001-1100 rating)

- Mugla Sitki Kocman Universitety (Global rating 2000)



- Gunadarma University (Global ranking 3500)

- Diana Nusantara University

- BITS Bali Tourism Institute

- Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya University

- ESA Unggul University

- Muhammadiyah Jakarta University

- Pancasila Universiteti

Kyrgyz Republic:

- International University named after K. Sh. Toktamatov

The Republic of Kazakhstan:

- Karaganda University named after E.A. Buketov

Russian Federation:

- Southern University

Student exchange programs:

Our students are now studying through established exchange programs with Wakayama University (Japan), Beijing International Studies University (PRC), Zhejiang International Studies University (PRC), North-West University (PRC), Nanjing University of Tourism and Hospitality (PRC), Kainan University ((PRC, Taiwan), Ege University (Turkey) and other foreign HEIs.

University staff participation at international conferences and events in 2023:

  • The 8th General Assembly of the Silk Road Universities network (8th General Assembly of SUN), Dubai, United Arab Emirates;
  • Second scientific conference on BRICS at Kota University, India;
  • "Seoul International Travel Fair" international exhibition, South Korea;
  • The closing ceremony of the exhibition "Treasures of Oases of Uzbekistan" in Louvre Museum, France;
  • Conference on Erasmus+ international staff week in Burdur, Turkey;
  • Traineeship based on international education and exchange program, South Korea.
  • China-Central Asia-2023 human rights development forum held in Beijing;
  • Presentation on the topic of "Ancient Turkic civilization on the territory of Central Asia and its connection with Chinese civilization" at 2023 Nishan Forum on Classical and World Civilizations, Shandong Province, PRC;
  • Conference on “Routes of transmission of astronomical knowledge in the Ottoman world (14th-18th centuries)”, Istanbul, Turkey;
  • "5th International Tourism and Cultural Heritage International Congress" organized in cooperation with Alanya and Beykent Universities in Marmaris, Turkey;
  • IMPACT2023 international conference at HongKong polytechnic university (PRC, HongKong);
  • Seolseong international art festival, Seoul, South Korea.;
  • International forum of creative and scientific intelligents of the CIS countries;
  • International conference “Society for Central Eurasian Studies" at the university of pittsburgh, USA;
  • International youth forum on "Caucasus Professional and East", Russia Federation;
  • COAST-2023 forum and the fourth international conference on “Sustainable Development of Artificial Intelligence and Tourism”, PRC;
  • "5th International Congress on Tourism and Cultural Heritage, Marmaris, Turkey;
  • International Congress on “Routes for the Realization of global knowledge in the Ottoman World”, Istanbul University, Turkey;
  • First meeting of representatives of educational institutes specializing in the field of Tourism, Azerbaijan;

Traineeships of academics and employees in oversea:

  • FEP program long-term traineeship grant at Wyoming University, USA;
  • A short-term traineeship organized as part of the development of culture and tourism along the Silk Road and the expansion of cultural and tourism research opportunities in Central Asian countries, PRC;
  • Grant based short-term grant-based traineeship at Jaipur Management Institute, India;
  • Grant based short-term traineeship at Konstanz University, Germany;
  • Short-term scientific and practical seminar traineeship on underwater archaeology;
  • Grant based long-term research at the University of Oxford, England.

Guest lectures and seminars for university students and academics:

  • "The interaction of human and artificial intelligence in the tourism and hospitality industry", Iis Tussyadiah, professor of the University of Surrey, England;
  • "Education in Great Britain", Dr. Peter Vlachos, a teacher of the Department of Marketing, Events and Tourism of the University of Greenwich;
  • Workshop on "Impact of Covid-19 on International Relations: Global Health, Economy and Tourism", Haseeb Cheerathadayan, University of Cumbria, Practitioner, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Alliance Medical NHS, New Delhi, United Kingdom;
  • “From Oasis to Pasture: The Early Development and Cultural Interactions of the Eastern Tianshan Mountains”, professor Ma Jian, dean of the Faculty of Cultural Heritage of Northwest University of China,;
  • “Interaction of human and artificial intelligence in the tourism and hospitality industry", Iis Tussyadiah, dean of the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, University of Surrey;
  • "Experimental Design and Data Application in Tourism Research" by Professor Henggyun Lee of HongKong Polytechnic University;
  • "Basic research methods and article structure" by Karin deJonge-Kannan, professor of Utah State University, USA;
  • Scientific-practical seminar on the topic "Cultural heritage preservation and some issues of archeometry" by Professor Yang Lu of the North-West University;
  • A seminar on "Development of the best resort in Central Asia" in cooperation by Elvina Turzhanova, the head of the marketing department of Amirsoy resort, and Intizor Sapayeva, the senior sales manager;
  • Seminar by 4 professors from AICHI Prefectural University;
  • Training by Professor Songshan (Sam) Huang of ECU (Edith Cowan University) in Australia on the topic of "publishing articles in international journals and improving the quality of scientific research".


Organized major events at SRIUTCH:

- Congress on "Gastronomic Tourism for Humanity and Earth: Innovation, Opportunities and Sustainability" in cooperation with "Pamukkala" University, Turkey;

- Opening ceremony of the Indonesian corner with participation of 60 representatives of 8 Indonesian universities;

- A special meeting of the "Union of Turkic World Universities of the Organization of Turkic States (TURKUNIB)" with participation of over 50 members from OTS member country university representatives and experts;

- The opening ceremony of the Indian corner. Indian ambassador in Uzbebekistan H.E. Manish Prabhat, embassy staff, Indian students of our university took part in the ceremony.

- At the Art Gallery (Art Station) in Samarkand, the opening ceremony of the exhibition “Inner horizon: Uzbekistan in the pictures of Ella Mayar of the 1930s” was organized, which showed photographs taken by the Swiss traveler, athlete, photographer and writer Ella Mayar during her trip to Central Asia.

- The opening ceremony of the joint laboratory of human and environmental studies of China-Central Asia “One Belt and One Road” and the Joint International Laboratory of scientific and technological protection of archeology and cultural heritage of China-Uzbekistan. Ceremony attended: Rector of the university Aziz Abdukhakimov, Secretary of Shaanxi Province of the Communist Party of China Zhao Yide, Deputy Governor of Samarkand Region Rustam Kobilov, Vice President of North-West University Zhang Jiang.

- An event dedicated to the start of the youth environmental camp in Central Asia. This eco-camp is organized with the support of the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change, the Ministry of Preschool and School Education, the Ministry of Youth Policy and Sports, “Zamin” International Public Foundation, UNICEF, UNESCO, UNDP and FAO.

- A scientific-practical conference entitled "Perspectives for the development of sustainable tourism and cultural heritage in the SCO countries”. Conference attended: Shri Janesh Kain, Deputy Secretary General of the SCO, and representatives of SCO member countries HEIs and experts in the field of tourism from Malaysia, England, China, Russia, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan

On 17 January this year, teachers of the department of “Tourism Management” of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage Ibragimov Husen and Maftuna Kobilova held a meeting with residents of the mahallas “Uzbekistan” and “Oray-Elipok” of Toylok district, where they delivered their lectures within the framework of the agitation “For a new life, for a new Uzbekistan!” under the slogan “Mahallada duv-duv gap”.

         District activists and mahalla residents took part in the event. The event discussed reforms and progress in the construction of New Uzbekistan in the coming years.

Wednesday, 17 January 2024 17:16

Partnership between university and mahalla

On 17 January this year, teachers of the department of “Tourism Management” of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage Farrukh Mamadiyorov and Ma'mura Ismailova held a meeting with residents of the mahalla “Eskijuma” of Toylok district, where they delivered their lectures within the framework of the agitation “For a new life, for a new Uzbekistan!” under the slogan “Mahallada duv-duv gap”.

Mahalla activists, a youth leader of the mahalla, an assistant mahalla governor, the deputy chairwoman for women’s affairs, mentors and schoolchildren took part in the event and expressed their views on the sweeping reforms and progress made in building a new Uzbekistan. 

Books were presented to participants who were active during the event.

Friday, 19 January 2024 16:45


The Higher School of Business and Entrepreneurship under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan plans to hold an international scientific-practical conference on the theme “Development and management of the capital market in the digital economy: problems and modern solutions” on 2 February 2024.

In this regard, researchers, specialists, scientists, professors, doctoral students and researchers with their theses to this conference until 29 January 18:00 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. send to the e-mail address or the senior employee of the Higher School Sh. Nabieva can be contacted by phone (+998712390317) to confirm participation.The terms of submission of theses are attached to the conference proceedings.

Friday, 19 January 2024 16:24


The nomination of the UNESCO/Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa Prize for the Use of Information Technologies in Education has been announced by UNESCO.

Candidates are required to open and register a personal account at   Registered candidates need to fill and submit the application form in English or French online at this link

Documents will be accepted until 23 January this year. Candidates are selected by the secretariat of the National Commission and recommended for the competition.

Friday, 19 January 2024 15:49


In the framework of the project “Professional Education Networks for Economic Growth in Central Asia (PECA)”, implemented in cooperation with the German Society of International Cooperation and the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, the third international scientific-practical conference “Regional Aspects of Sustainable Development of Vocational Education: Challenges and Prospects” is planned to be held on 25-26 April 2024 in Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan.

In this regard, we invite teachers and researchers to participate with their scientific articles in accordance with the requirements of the information letter of the conference.

         Educational books “Labour Market” and “Labour Market Infrastructure” were published by Nargiza Mansurova, Associate Professor, Head of the Research Department of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

         At present, there are serious changes in the world market conditions, international competition is intensifying in the period of globalisation. Under these conditions, the economy of Uzbekistan is also undergoing new serious and qualitative changes. Outdated economic institutions and instruments are being replaced by modern, innovative and effective management methods. In order to ensure stable and rapid development of the country, the Development Strategy of Uzbekistan for 2022-2026 has been developed and is being gradually implemented. This strategy is mainly aimed at improving the quality and standard of living of the population of Uzbekistan. Increasing the economic growth rate of the country and the development of the national economy largely depends on the efficiency of the productive forces, which are the main wealth of any State. Effective labour not only remains a key factor in the development of the economy, but also fulfils the function of ensuring the well-being of people and meeting their needs.

         This publication serves from a scientific and practical point of view to  fulfil  the tasks  as to ensure employment and create new jobs specified in other regulatory and legal documents, particularly, in the field of labor, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 8, 2021 “On measures to further improvement of the system of personnel training for working professions” No. PD-5140, dated September 5, 2023  No. PD-450 “On additional measures to support certain categories of people with social needs and  their employment” and Decree No. PD-82  dated June 1, 2023 “On quality social service and assistance to the population and comprehensive measures to establish an effective control system”.

         These books are intended for bachelors, masters, researchers and professors of economics.

     On 25 November 2023 at the Scientific Council DSc.33/01.02.2022.I.145.01 under “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage , an employee of the Information Resources Center of our university, Siroj Samiev, defended his PhD dissertation in economic sciences in the specialty 08.00.17 - Tourism and hotel activities (economic sciences) on the topic “Improving organizational and economic mechanisms for the development of business tourism in the regions (on the example of the Samarkand region)”. Recently, by decision of the Board of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, he was awarded the academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in economic sciences.

     January 18 the First vice-rector of our university, prof. J.Eltazarov on behalf of the management congratulated Siroj Samiev, who was the first to defend his dissertation among the staff of our university at the Scientific Council DSc.33/01.02.2022.I.145.01 and awarded him a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in economic sciences diploma.

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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