

Thursday, 11 January 2024 09:46


          “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage announces the opening of spring admission for the year 2024 and invites you to get higher education on a full-time basis in the following areas of bachelor’s degree:


Name of the field of education


Tourism Management


Tour Guide Service (English)


Logistics (Tourism)




Preservation of Cultural Heritage Objects

         Admission of documents on the official website of the university: via the link will be carried out till 20 February 2024 (also on the same day).

         We would like to remind you that education at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage is taught in English, for this reason IELTS/ TOEFL/ CEFR certificate is required. Applicants are admitted on the basis of an interview in the field of their choice.

         For more information, please click on the official email address of the university (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or contact the following phone numbers:



+998902872287 (TG)

By choosing “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, you choose a reliable future!

On January 10, 2024 Associate professor of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, Head of the chair of " Languages " department Sultanov Tulkin Irgashevich went to Adas village of Taylak district to implement the tasks appointed in the meeting of Republic Spirituality and Enlightenment Council on December 22, 2023, in addition, according to the message of Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 02/5-2826. Sultanov T. gave a lecture under the mottos "For a new life, for new Uzbekistan!" "Talk in the neighborhood" for the citizens of the neighbourhood in order to give information in a simple and understandable form through concrete life examples and evidence to our people about the wide-scale reforms being implemented in the way of building new Uzbekistan and the achievements achieved, to raise the mood of the population and increase their involvement in the life of the country.

         At the event Republic Spirituality and Enlightenment Centre Head of the  district branch Ziyadulla Avazov , "Adas" neighborhood chairman Abror Khojakulov , "Adas" neighborhood senior inspector of prevention, lieutenant colonel Zikriya Abduraupov , Yastepa jame' mosque’s imam-khatib  Abdunabi Himmatov, director of the 25th school Rustam Jorayev , district culture department employee Murtaza Usmanov participated and expressed their opinions about extensive reforms implemented and progress being made in the way of building new Uzbekistan.

During the event associate professor T. Sultanov organized quiz for the youngsters in order to raise political literacy and winners were awarded with books.


In every higher education institution the work done in the scientific sphere, grants attracted in the republican and international spheres, implemented scientific and innovative projects, research work are very important. Last year, professors and teachers of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage carried out some practical work. Today, a total of 7 foreigners and 19 locals (5 DSc, 14 PhD) with high potential scientific degrees of professors and teachers work in our university.

Attracting foreign and national grants:

In the 2022-2023 academic year, “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage attracted a total of 2,878,568,433 (two billion eight hundred and seventy-eight million five hundred and sixty-eight thousand four hundred and thirty-three thousand) grants from foreign and national regions, professors, researchers and students of the university provided scientific works and services, and continuous research work is carried out. As of 12 September 2023, 1,898,568,433 (one billion eight hundred and ninety-eight million five hundred and sixty-eight thousand four hundred and thirty-three thousand) soums have been paid from international and republican grants.

On grants, scientific and innovative projects, research works carried out by the university in the republic and international community:

According to the cooperation agreement signed with the Northwest University of the People’s Republic of China on 15 November 2022 on the establishment of “China-Uzbekistan Joint International Laboratory of Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Protection Science and Technology”, “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage has imported laboratory equipment worth (1000000 yuan - one million yuan, 151000 US dollars - one hundred and fifty one thousand US dollars), as well as a joint scientific laboratory for the study of human bones.

The laboratory consists of 2 parts, specialising in biochemical research and animal bone research, this laboratory will be able to examine any archaeological excavation materials found in Uzbekistan.

In 2023, a grant of 980,000,000,000 (nine hundred and eighty million) was awarded to the lecturers of the Tourism Management Department of the University, who participated in the competition of the Innovation Development Agency under the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation on the topic “Study of the impact of digitalisation of the catalogue of tourism objects of the Republic of Uzbekistan on tourism development”, and scientific research on the project is currently underway.

DSc at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.33/01.02.2022.1.145.01 on the activities of the Digital Academic Council:

In January-December 2023, a total of 11 researchers defended their dissertations in the speciality 08.00.17-“Tourism and hotel activity”, the researchers were awarded the academic title of Doctor of Philosophy in Economic Sciences.

The activities of basic doctoral students, independent researchers and research trainees in “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage:

The Postgraduate Institute at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage was established in the forms of basic doctoral students, independent researchers and research trainees, and as of today, 25 basic doctoral students, 20 independent researchers and 1 research trainee are carrying out research activities on their theses. In 2023, one of the universal researchers received a PhD in economics.

In 2023, our professors and lecturers actively participated in scientific and practical conferences, seminars and trainings at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

Activities for further development of work in the scientific field in 2024 have been planned.

On 4 January of this year, Professor Muhsin Khidirov, a lecturer of the Department of History and Cultural Heritage of our university, gave a lecture on the topic “New City and European Style Buildings” - design features based on architectural structure and innovation. This open lecture reveals the design features based on architectural structure and innovation of “New city and European style” buildings designed by Russian architects in the late 19th and early 20th centuries within the city of Samarkand. Importantly, this research is based on the findings of an international expedition conducted jointly with Japanese specialists.

“Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage has started the admission of documents for candidates taking qualification examinations in the speciality 08.00.17-“Tourism and hotel activity”.

Candidates need to submit the following documents to the Scientific Research Department of the university This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  to the email address.

  1. Letter of direction
  2. Passport copy (2 pcs)
  3. A short autobiography
  4. Application form
  5. Copy of the journal " Bulletin of the Higher Attestation Commission" (date, journal number), in which the doctoral dissertation was published
  6. information about the person taking the qualification examination (sample table is attached).

The documents are to be submitted till 1 February 2024.

08.00.17 - Qualification examination on the specialty “Tourism and hotel activity” is approved by the Decision № 220/2 of 17 February 2016 of the Office of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan Conducted in accordance with the Regulations “On the order of qualification examinations” and in accordance with the program of qualification examinations on the specialty 08.0017-“Tourism and hotel activity” (the program is attached).

The date and time of qualification examinations will be announced additionally.

This year, about 200 students who study at the university were sent to foreign countries: to Turkey - 129, to Germany - 5, to the USA - 2 students of 1-3 courses on the programme Work & Travel. Also 2 master students are studying in South Korea and two in Italy.

Our students who won prizes at international and republican spiritual-educational competitions, Olympiads, sports competitions;

Fatima Bakhromkulova, a 3rd year student, took 1st place in the nomination “The Most Active Student Entrepreneur of the Year” at the university stage.

In the university stage of the competition “Student of the Year” Oromjonova Shakhrizoda took the 1st place in the nomination “The most active knowledgeable student of the year”.

 In the university stage of the competition “Student of the Year” 2nd place in the nomination “The most active knowledgeable student of the year” was taken by Bakhromkulova Zuhra, a 3rd year student.

Within the framework of five initiatives;

The first initiative, dedicated to increasing young people’s interest in music, painting, literature, theatre and art, a total of 25 events were organised and about 350 young students were involved in the past period of 2023.

The second initiative organised 37 public sports events dedicated to the physical training of young people, to show their abilities in the field of sports, involving more than 700 students and young people, of which more than 360 were girls.

The third initiative was the creation of 1 IT club to organise the effective use of computer technologies and the Internet among the population and young people.    

The fourth initiative was the systematic work on improving the morale of young people, wide propaganda of reading among them, within the framework of which 2 clubs of young readers and “Book lovers club” were created.

250 university students were involved in these organised circles. Five elocution contests on the theme “My favourite work” and seven reading meetings on the themes “Young reader” and “Smart librarian” were held among university students.

The fifth initiative is to address women’s employment issues. As of  December 2023, 180 out of 570 full-time undergraduate students of 1-3 courses have been employed, and according to the results of the questionnaire - 270 students in need of work. The procedure for paid internships (traineeships) in State institutions for students has been approved and agreements have been concluded with 28 enterprise-organisations.

In order to educate the students studying at the university in the spirit of love for theatre art and guide them to spiritual improvement, as well as to bring their capabilities and talents to the talented youth, the annual competitions of "Student Theatre Studios" have been continuously held since 2022. In this regard, the university stage of the “Student Theatre Studios” examination competition was held among the students of the Faculty of Tourism Management.

In 2022, the university became the winner of a grant from the US Embassy to establish a student drama club. The coordinator of the grant is university lecturer Kamol Mustaev.

On March 4, 2023 in “Doll Theatre” of Samarkand city, at the Samarkand regional stage of competition “Theatre Studios” between universities of Samarkand region, the university team “Student Theatre Studio” also participated and took the proud 3rd place and entered the regional stage.

In 2024, activities were outlined to further activate such work.

In accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 30 October 2021 “On measures to further improve the continuous system of training of qualified personnel in the field of tourism, cultural heritage and museology”, teachers and students of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage are granted free access to all monuments of historical and cultural heritage of Samarkand region in 2024 academic year. Taking advantage of this great opportunity, all our teachers and students will try to gain their knowledge and experience using it to their advantage.

     In order to develop pilgrimage tourism, improve tourist infrastructure, and create conditions for cultural recreation of the population, on 6 January a group of teachers and staff of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage visited historical monuments of the ancient and eternally young city of Samarkand. First of all, the pilgrimage started from the mausoleum of Amir Temur, where the Temurians found eternal rest. After that, the team of our university visited the mausoleum of Saint Khoja Daniyar and the Shahi Zinda complex, once again praying for our great ancestors, listening information about the past and present day of these historical monuments.

     Such pilgrimages are organised throughout the year not only throughout the city, but also to all historical monuments and landmarks of our country.

Saturday, 06 January 2024 09:59

Tourist masterpieces of the ancient Silk Road

It is known that annually professors and teachers of our university improve their knowledge and skills by participating in international scientific and practical conferences, seminars in the field of tourism in universities of many countries of the world.

On the 4th of January of this year the professor of our university Nargiz Nurulla Hodjaeva also took part in the seminar on the topic “Dancing Merchants: The Tourism Gems of the Ancient Silk Road” organised by the School of Hotel and Tourism Management at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in Hong Kong. This seminar presented interesting facts about the history of the Great Silk Road, the life of merchants along it, wealth and integration from the 6th century BC to the Genghisid era. The seminar was notable for the fact that already at this time the formation of international trade relations was taking place, reflecting the growing intensity of urban life and the beginnings of the early manifestations of tourism.

The seminar recognised the active participation of a professor of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

On 5 January of the current year in the university hall there was an extended meeting of the university staff. First Vice-Rector of the university J.Eltazarov held the meeting.  He familiarised the participants of the meeting with the results of external evaluation of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage on certification and state accreditation, conducted by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation. Head of the Department of “Education Quality Assurance and Accreditation” of the university A.K.Tukhtamishov also spoke on the agenda of the meeting and expressed his proposals to solve the problems and shortcomings identified in the process of external evaluation.

The meeting developed and approved the “Roadmap” to address the shortcomings identified in the process of External Evaluation. Also at this meeting, held in a critical spirit, within the framework of the development of the Concept of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030, the state of implementation of the target indicators of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage for 2023 was analysed. According to the results of the analysis, along with recognising the achievements of the university staff in the reporting year, the reports of curators on the objects for which the set indicators were not fulfilled to a sufficient degree were also heard and appropriate decisions were made. Following the results of the meeting, the concept defined the target indicators of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage for 2024. Also at the meeting were discussed priority tasks to be fulfilled by the staff of the university in 2024, the heads were given appropriate instructions.

According to the results of the meeting on the basis of the Decree № PF-158 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from 11 September 2023 “On the Strategy of Uzbekistan-2030” approved the current educational programmes of the university, in order to further expand the sphere of higher education, improve the quality of training of highly educated specialists, to ensure the international attractiveness of the educational institution developed and approved a control plan to ensure the preparation of current educational programmes of the university for international accreditation, as well as to ensure the international accreditation of the university.

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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