

         In order to develop scientific branches through the system of continuous professional development of management and pedagogical staff of higher educational institutions, jointly with the Institute of Advanced Training and Retraining of Financial and Banking Workers at Tashkent Financial Institute and the European Institute of Applied Sciences and Management, on 18-27 March of this year it is planned to hold a scientific-practical seminar in Prague, located in the Czech Republic, on the theme Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Education: Prospects and Consequences.

         Those wishing to take part in the seminar should submit the necessary documents until 5 February (to the Department of International Cooperation and Rating).

         At the end of the training course an international certificate will be awarded. The cost of the training course is 1450 euros.

The programme is attached.

Tuesday, 16 January 2024 15:30

Partnership between university and mahalla

         On 13 January of this year, teachers of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage Kamoliddin Bakobilov and senior teacher Dilfuza Mirboboeva met with citizens of “Saribozor” mahalla of Taylak district. During the dialogue “For new life, for new Uzbekistan!” under the slogan “Mahallada duv-duv gap” they talked about the importance of the agitation event.

         The head of the district unit of the Republican Centre for Spirituality and Enlightenment, the chairman of the “Yastepa” mahalla citizens’ assembly, and the district school director took part in the agitation event. At the meeting it was told about the reforms carried out by our president in the following years, about the fact that huge creative work is being done in the regions, the way of life of the population is growing day by day. Speakers at the event said that these changes in our country are reflected in the way of life of the population, including the mahalla “Saribozor”. All this is the result of practical work carried out in New Uzbekistan.

         At the event, teachers of our university presented books to a group of active citizens of the mahalla.

“Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage announces an admission for independent research (PhD, DSc) institution in the following specialities:

  • 08.00.05- Economy of service industries
  • 08.00.11- Marketing
  • 08.00.13- Management
  • 08.00.17- Tourism and hotel activities
  • 10.00.06 - Comparative Literature, Crosslinguistics and Translation Studies

Applicants to study for the degree of Philosophy (PhD) as a and independent researcher should submit the following documents to the Scientific research department of the university and register online via the website

1) Application;

2) Brief biographical information (CV);

3) A certified copy of the labor record book (for working applicants);

4) A master's degree of a higher educational institution, a copy of a diploma of higher education together with applications;

5) List of published scientific works, as well as their copies (pdf);

6) Copy of passport;

7) 3x4 picture, 2 pcs;

8) Preliminary dissertation topic and theses;

9) Certificate from the place of work;

10) Copy of the State Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (if available)

All documents are prepared in PDF format and sent with registration through the unified electronic system coordinating post-higher education

Admission: from 15 January to 15 February 2024

       For candidates who have applied to the Institute of Higher Education (PhD Independent Studies) at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage", the interview is in the major subject. The days of the examination will be announced additionally.

Our address: Samarkand city, University Avenue 17, Scientific research department of “Silk Road” Tourism international university

Phone for inquiries: +998 90 603 55 23; +998 66 240 67 85

Email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Monday, 15 January 2024 16:00


On January 17 at 15:00 in room 108 of the university will be held a seminar on “Methodology for determining the scheme of additional supply and demand chain through the development of ecotourism in the territory (on the example of the territory of Omankotan)”, which is organised by the doctoral student of our university Hashimova Madina Muradkhanovna and the department of scientific research of our university in the specialty 08.00.17-“Tourism and hotel activity” in order to obtain a PhD degree. We invite everyone who is interested in this topic to take part in the event.

On 13 January of this year, employees of the Marketing and Recruitment Department of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage visited IDUM 1 and 63 general secondary schools managed by Samarkand City Department of Preschool and School Education. The purpose of the visit was to further increase the interest of today's youth in higher education and, at the same time, to widely promote the educational work at our university. The staff of the department met mainly with graduates of general education schools. Heads of general education schools, teachers and students took part in the events. Head of Marketing and Recruitment Department Otabek Akbarov said that today there are many higher educational institutions in our country, especially in Samarkand, but the tourism sphere is in demand at the moment, so “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage is the most suitable place to study. The graduates also did not hide their interests and got answers to many of their questions.

These days, in order to spread among the people a wide range of reforms and achievements carried out in the new Uzbekistan throughout the country, the teaching staff of the university holds a number of events, meetings with the population and round tables in the mahallas and villages of the Taylak district.
On January 12 of this year, teachers of “Languages” Department of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage Munira Baymatova and Timur Abdulloev held a meeting with citizens of the mahalla “Navzandak” of the Taylak district to clearly demonstrate the practical work carried out by the president in subsequent years and emphasize that every citizen contributes to these processes.

At the agitation event, the citizens of the mahalla were told about the work under the auspices of “For a new life, for a new Uzbekistan!” carried out in Samarkand, in particular, in the Taylak district, under the motto “Mahallada duv-duv gap”.

The event was attended by the head of the district division of the Republican center for Spirituality and Enlightenment Avazov Z., chairman of the “Navzandak” mahalla citizens’ assembly Khamidov F., inspector, imam of the Jome mosque and director of school No. 27 Jurakulova.M, mahalla activists who expressed their opinion on the topic. The teachers of our university organized a quiz on various interesting topics for the participants of the event, and the winners were awarded books by different authors.

Monday, 15 January 2024 14:45


“Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage

invites suitable candidates for jobs in departments:

Job title: Chief anti-corruption specialist.

Education: Higher (bachelor’s or master’s degree).

Specialization: Anti-corruption and compliance control, Accounting and auditing, finance and economy directions (additional points are given to candidates who have completed higher education institutions in the TOP-500, TOP-1000 lists.)

Work experience: must have at least 3 years of work experience in state organizations and in the field of education and must have worked as a teacher for at least 2 years

Level of knowledge of foreign languages: must know Russian and English (IELTS 6,0 or certificate of knowledge of a foreign language issued by the state testing center - CEFR B2 level).

Computer literacy: must know Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power point), and office programs professionally, must be able to use the Internet and social networks.

Duties of a Chief anti-corruption specialist:

-Knowledge of regulatory legal documents in the field, the main goal of the chief specialist of the anti-corruption department in the organization as well as the implementation and development of a comprehensive system that meets the requirements of the ISO37001:2016 international standard for combating corruption in its regional and structural divisions, in particular, the anti-corruption system

-early identification of corrupt situations and elimination of their causes and conditions,

-prevention of corrupt behavior, raising legal awareness and culture of employees of the organization system in order to form an intolerant attitude towards corruption,

-organizing preventive measures against corruption in the organization system,

-ensuring the execution of documents in the field of combating corruption.

  Job title: Head of the Legal Bureau.

Education: Higher (bachelor’s or master’s degree).

Specialization: lawyer (additional points are given to candidates who have completed higher education institutions in the TOP-500, TOP-1000 lists.)

Work experience: Must have at least 3-6 years of work experience in state organizations and system organizations in the legal field.

Level of knowledge of foreign languages: must know Russian and English (IELTS 6,0 or certificate of knowledge of a foreign language issued by the state testing center - CEFR B2 level).

Computer literacy: must know Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power point), and office programs professionally, must be able to use the Internet and social networks.

Duties of the head of legal bureau:

-carrying out legal examination of all legal documents and transactions of the educational institution;

-to have skills in working with paperwork and documents;

-good knowledge of economic, labor, civil procedural legislation;

-preparation of drafts of all types of procedural documents (agreements, applications, petitions, explanations, etc.) and their legal analysis;

-collecting, analyzing and preparing documents to represent the interests of trustees in courts and state bodies;

-have systematic thinking, stress resistance, politeness, lack of conflict, accuracy, ability to perform tasks independently and creatively;

Job title: Leading specialist in the information technology (IT) department

Education: Higher (bachelor’s or master’s degree).

Specialization: software engineering, computer engineering and related fields. .

Work experience: Must have at least 2 years of annual work experience in the field of programming.

Level of knowledge of foreign languages: Knowledge of Russian and English languages.

Duties of the leading specialist: Full stack developer (front-end dev, back-end dev, working with database, etc.).

“Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage provides candidates with:

- stable monthly salary (there is a bonus);

- interesting work activity with a promising career.

Working hours: Monday to Friday.

Working hours: 09:00 to 18:00.

Day off: Saturday, Sunday.

Deadline for submission of documents: February 20, 2024 (until 18:00 on the same day).

Candidates should send the following information to the e-mail address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or to the telegram number +998 93 523 22 95:

- KPI in Uzbek, Russian or English;

- Language certificate

- Reference or CV;

- Diploma.

Phones for information:

+998 66 240-67-73

Friday, 12 January 2024 12:16


Dear professors and students of our university! University administration asks you in your free time to send information about places where excursions to your village, district (city) can be organised and interesting for tourists on the link @ichki_turizm in Telegram or @turistik_obekt_bot and actively participate in collecting information about tourist sites of our country!

Together we discover interesting tourist places in our country and develop tourism!

The instructions given under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan at the meeting of the Council of Spirituality and Education of the Republic held on  December 22, 2023, as well as the large-scale reforms carried out by the letter of instruction of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated on  December 28th 2023 to create a new Uzbekistan, also, to raise the spirits and increase the vital immunity of the people, on  January 10th of this year, the teachers of the Department of “Languages” of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, Obidjon Nabiyev and Zahid Bektemirov, met with residents of the Yastepa mahalla in Taylak district and gave a speech at a propaganda event “For a new life, for a new Uzbekistan!” under the slogan “Mahallada duv-duv gap”.

The head of the district of the National Center for Spirituality and Education, the chairman of the Yastepa Mahalla citizens’ assembly, a prevention inspector, the imam of the Jome mosque, and the school principal took part in the campaign event and expressed their views on the large-scale reforms underway and the successes achieved on the road to creating a new Uzbekistan.

As part of the event, Nabiyev Obidjon organised a quiz aimed at improving the political literacy of young people, and the most active ones were presented with books.

Friday, 12 January 2024 11:05

Defence of the homeland is a sacred duty

On 12 January this year, in order to ensure the implementation of the order of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from 14 December 2023 № F-79 “On measures to prepare and conduct the celebration of the 32nd anniversary of the formation of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Day of Defenders of the Motherland”, the team of the university took part in the festive event.

The first vice-rector of our university J.Eltazarov made a report on the work carried out today in the defence system of our state, on reforms in this area and congratulated the teachers and staff of men working at the university on this holiday. Then a video about brave sons, selflessly protecting the peace of the borders of our country, was shown. After that, N.Abduvokhidova, the head of the department of work with youth and organisation of events, and M.Abbasova, the chairwoman of the women’s committee, noted that systematic work is carried out in our country to protect the Motherland, as a result of which our country is peaceful and our sky is clear. On the occasion of the event, the women of our university presented souvenirs to them, congratulating the teachers and staff of all men on the holiday. At the festive event dedicated to the Day of Defender of the Fatherland on 14 January, poems were read and songs were sung.

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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