Items filtered by date: May 2022

Wednesday, 18 May 2022 15:11

Every day is a new day

Each of us, waking up in the morning, programs ourselves for a new blessed day. But it is true: every good morning gives us a time of renewal. And this is the time to change something in your life for the better. Get started with these simple tips. Because everything ingenious is simple!

* Do not abuse strong coffee and tea (it would be better to completely abandon them). Within a couple of weeks, you will feel more calm and balanced, it will be easier to fall asleep, and even your complexion will improve.

* Reduce the amount of salt in your food. And you will see how excess weight begins to go away and morning puffiness disappears.

* Do not drink sugary and carbonated drinks, but quench your thirst with water.

* Do not eat up at night and then your dreams will become bright, and morning awakening - light and joyful.

* Always keep your back straight when walking and sitting. This will help you improve your memory, get rid of back pain and headaches.

* Turn off the TV (phones, gadgets) 2 hours before bedtime, and you will begin to see not other people’s pictures, but your own creative impulses and desires.

* Mentally give beautiful gifts, smile, positivity to people who you don’t like or offended you with something and imagine them joyful. Gradually, you will find how they begin to change for the better.

* Smile more often. Within a month, you will find that all the people around you have become safe and so familiar to you.

* Abstract from difficulties and problems, learn to let them go. At one fine moment, you will suddenly realize that the situation has either disappeared or has completely ceased to excite you.

* Look around more often: at the sky, trees, grass, listen to the sounds of nature... Try to see the beauty and goodness in everything.

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On May 17 this year, an online seminar was organized for students and university stuff of the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage with a leading international specialist in the field of MICE tourism and journalism, Mr. Ivo Baumann.

During the online seminar, it was detailed that in recent years Uzbekistan has taken practical measures to diversify the structure of tourism services and develop new types of tourism. In particular, much attention is paid to increasing the flow of tourists through MICE tourism, that is, organizing various tournaments, meetings, conferences and exhibitions in Uzbekistan.

For reference: MICE tourism is a sphere of business tourism associated with the organization and holding of various corporate events. MICE is business meetings, team building, conferences, corporate holidays and so on.

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Right now, representatives of the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage are actively participating in the International Tourism Exhibition in B2B format “Tashkent Travel Mart 2022”, held at the Hilton Tashkent City Hotel.

This exhibition is attended by representatives of the tourism industry (airlines, tour operators, travel agencies, hotels, online booking services, etc.) from Germany, Austria, Spain, Israel, Czech Republic, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. More than 80 companies in total.

For the university, this is an excellent opportunity to exchange skills and achievements in the tourism industry, establish a dialogue with new partners, and also master new directions in tourism, taking into account modern realities. It is worth noting that this exhibition allows to conduct an advertising campaign before admission events.

It is also planned to establish partnerships and conclude agreements with leading representatives of the tourism industry during the exhibition day.

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Monday, 16 May 2022 17:38

Open doors day

The “Silk Road” University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage regularly organizes "Open Days" for students of secondary and technical schools of the city of Samarkand and the region.

More than 50 pupils from several schools in Samarkand took part in today's Open Day.

They were informed about the activities of the University, its history, educational processes, social life of students.

Also, for schoolchildren, the Department for Intermahalla Youth Work and Organization of Events organized an excursion around the university campus.

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As part of the weekly educational events held by the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage in the mahallas of the Samarkand region, the Head of the Department of Languages, PhD, Associate Professor Sultonov T.I. visited the "Zarafshon" mahalla in Taylak district.

During the visit, there was held a round table between the citizens of the mahalla and youth, organized according to the principle “Education is the engine of spiritual and educational progress”.

Residents of the mahalla and youth took an active part in this event. Also, citizens of the mahalla were provided with information about the wise policy currently being pursued in our country and the attention paid to areas, and the youth of the mahalla were told about the topic of choosing a future profession.

During the conversation, it was provided detailed information about the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

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Annotatsiya: Hozirgi davrda turizm sohasi mamlakat iqtisodiyotining asosiy strategik tarmoqlaridan biriga aylanayotganligini hisobga olgan holda, Buyuk ipak yo‘lida turizm yo‘nalishining asosiy jozibador markazlaridan biri sifatida respublikaning ijobiy qiyofasini shakllantirishni ta’minlovchi, yuqori malakali va jahon turizm industriyasida raqobatbardosh kadrlarni tayyorlashga zarurat yuzaga kelmoqda. Mazkur maqolada turizm sohasida raqobatbardosh kadrlarni tayyorlashda duch kelishimiz mumkin bo’lgan muammolar to’g’risida fikr-mulohazalar bildirildi.

Kalit so’zlar: Uchinchi Renessans, turizm, raqobatbardosh kadrlar, Buyuk Ipak yo’li.


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It is known that effective reforms are being carried out in our country today, aimed at unlocking the full potential of women and protecting their rights. In particular, various benefits are provided to married female students so as not to limit their access to education.

In order to familiarize student youth with these reforms, on May 12, a round table on the theme “The Way to Happiness” was held at the University. The event was organized by the Women’s Council of the University and timed to coincide with the International Day of the Families, celebrated on May 15th.

Experienced teachers, married students were invited to the event, who shared the secrets of successful harmonization of study and family life. Coffee, desserts and snacks were also organized for the participants.

M. Abbasova, chairman of the Women’s Council of the University, N. Abduvakhidova, head of the department for intermahalla work with youth and organization of events, R. Toshniyazova, dean of the faculty, D. Turdiyeva, university psychologist, Sh. Mardonova, experienced specialist of the University Chancellery shared their experience with girl-students. There were active conversations. In addition, various theatrical scenes depicting family situations were played.

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The “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage successfully operates the thematic “Silk Road Booklovers Club”.

Club members choose one book each week and conduct a collective analysis. There are no restrictions in the club: various topics are discussed, many problems of humanity, science, and innovation are touched upon. And in the books, as club members note, there are answers to all these questions, you just need to find them and conduct an effective analysis.

The focus of today’s discussions was George Orwell’s “1984”.

If you want to learn more about the activities of the club, you can join them in the Telegram messenger: Silk Road Booklovers Club

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Friday, 13 May 2022 17:24

Master class in Culinary

On May 13 of this year, within the framework of 5 important initiatives, as well as on the occasion of the International Day of Families (May 15), within the framework of the girl’s club “Culinary Secrets”, the chairman of the Women’s Council of the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage M. Abbasova organized a master-class on the topic “Our national cuisine: learning to cook salads and desserts”.

The event was attended by university psychologist D. Turdieva, leading specialist of the University’s Library - A. Izbasarova, head of the Department of History and Cultural Heritage M. Siddikova, tutors E. Jabbarova, G. Khusainova. University students were also invited, as well as the chairman of the trade union S. Matlabov, the head of the department for quality assurance and education accreditation A. Tukhtamyshov.

At the event, the students shared their knowledge about the history of our national dishes, salads, desserts, about the processes and secrets of their preparation.

Our young employee D. Fayzullaeva, together with talented girls from the university, conducted a cooking lesson for members of the “Kizlarjon” club.

The girls were given the necessary expert advice on kitchen etiquette and the efficient use of kitchen utensils and products.

Our girls received answers to questions related to the process of preparing a healthy salad called “Spring”.

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This article reveals aspects of the development of wellness tourism in Uzbekistan. As we know, the republic has opportunities for the development of international and domestic tourism, as evidenced by the many objects of material and cultural heritage, unique nature, national cuisine and unsurpassed hospitality of the Uzbek people attract travelers. Besides that we have huge number of places related to nature which enable to improve recreational centers for visitors.  The purpose of this study is to analyze  the development of wellness tourism in Uzbekistan.

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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