Items filtered by date: May 2022

On May 12 of this year, the first game of the KVN University Tournament was held at the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. Bright jokes, a lot of smiles and a positive - this is how you can characterize the performances of the Devonalar and Education teams. The teams joked about students’ life, talked about problems with humor.

As noted by the first vice-rector prof. Eltazarov J.D., the main goal for the university is the initiative of students, which is a competence that is difficult to educate among young people. In an informal way, KVN participates in the development of this quality in students, and this is very important.

As the jury admitted it was difficult to evaluate the performances. Each team deserved to win. Nevertheless, in the sum of three rounds, the “Devonalar” team scored 15.8 points, the “Education” team – 15.0 points.

However, according to the organizers of the tournament, there will be no winners and losers, and the games will be played on a regular basis.

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Thursday, 12 May 2022 12:40

Weekly game “Zakovat”

In order to meaningfully spend leisure time for students at the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage another tournament was held as part of a series of “Zakovat” intellectual games.

Weekly intellectual games serve as the basis for gaining new knowledge and experience.

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On May 11 this year, the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage was visited by the Consul General of the Republic of Turkey - Salih Janer (orig. Caner).

The purpose of the visit was to get acquainted with the activities of the university in the preparation of highly qualified specialists in the field of tourism, as well as to transfer unique books on hospitality, management and culture in Turkey. A unique edition of the book “Turkish Cousine”, published on the initiative of the First Lady of Turkey – Emine Erdogan, was also donated to the university library fund.

The parties noted the significant results achieved in the Uzbek-Turkish cooperation in the field of education, the growth of mutual interest of the youth of the two countries in the history, culture, language and traditions of the peoples was emphasized.

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Abstract: Transportation is so important that it can be both pull factor and push factor in the tourism industry. Therefore, the government of the countries always pay special attention to this sector.  Since the past, many types of it have been developed and new ones came to exist (i.e. the rail and the air). Nowadays, before visiting to one country, tourists probably want to know about its transport system. In this article, readers will learn about transportation, types of it, transport system in Uzbekistan; especially, condition and comfortability of it and they will be given short manual to choose suitable ones according to the type of travel.

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We respectfully remember the people who fought for our peaceful and happy life, for the independence of our country and gave their lives in this way. To perpetuate their memory, parks and alleys have been built throughout the country, including in the Samarkand region.
Today, a holiday dedicated to May 9 - the Day of Memory and Honor was held in the mahalla “Vatanparvarlar” of the city of Samarkand. The administration and students of our university also took an active part in it. The servicemen performed various scenes of the WW2.

The students got acquainted with the exhibits of the newly opened Museum of Memory and Military Equipment.
Our servicemen showed high honor to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War, who died heroically during the war, their names are forever in our memory.

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Saturday, 07 May 2022 16:50

Life teachers

? I dont like anyone around me. I feel uncomfortable interacting with them. How can I explain it? Maybe the problem lies in me...

!   No person comes into our life by accident. One will bring you joy, one will bring you pain, one will give you priceless life experience, and one will teach you something new. And no matter what happens in your life, you should thank each of them. For those...

...unforgettable moments of joy or sadness;


...beautiful feelings;

...feeling of excitement;

...smiles and even tears.

    After all, it all made you stronger, smarter, kinder. Haven’t they?

    We are all different. We are who we are and we are not likely to be different. We should be able to say thank you to those who come into our lives. Who is already in it. Becomes a part of it. With the whole heart, or maybe just as always “online” person.

      Thank you for everything to each and every one of you!

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Annotatsiya: Ko’p tillik bu – so’zlashuvchi yoki so’zlashuvchi jamolar tomonidan ikki va undan ortiq tildan foydalanib so’zlashishdir.  Tillar va madaniyatlarning  xilma xilligi  har doim, har bir zamonda qadirlanadi va qabul qilinishi kerak bo’lgan eng yaxshi narsadir.  Barcha tillar o’z foydalanuvchilari uchun namoyon bo’lish vositasi sifatida  teng va bir xil adekvat darajadadir. Biroq, til va madaniyat xilma xilligi ko’pincha til va til bilan bog’liq ayrim tushunmovchiliklarga olib keladi. Bu esa  oxir oqibat turizm sohasida sayyohlar duch keladigan tushunmovchilik va  muammolarga aylanishi mumkin.  Va bu maqola  turizm sohasida va iqtisodiyotimizda ko’p tilliikning muhum ro’l o’ynashini yoritib beradi.


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Shakhzoda Amirova
3 year student at "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage

Darius Riazi
Lecturer at History and International Relations at "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage


Our societies change at a quick pace within the 21st century. Demographic evolution, climate change, economic shifts, the spread of mass tourism. These cultural, economic and environmental changes throw a distinct light on the heritage that can be lost for future generations. Recent imply of collections, new roles for museums in society, debates on heritage are signs of the days. These pressing issues touch a growing awareness of diverging forms and experiences of heritage that we have often overlooked within the past. The study examines the roles of museum to sustainable tourism development of the heritage of the museums with special target to Uzbekistan and how the cultural heritage and museums may be effectively utilized for sustainable tourism and to form suggestions for better utilization of the slave relics for tourism promotion. This research concludes by recommending the way forward and suggests that general infrastructure development should be ensured for better sustainable tourism development.

Key words: museums, cultural heritage, tourism, cultural tourism, heritage tourism, cultural heritage, new media, role of museum, sustainable economy, Uzbekistan.

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On May 5, 2022, representatives of the Yildiz Technical University (Turkey), led by Professor Nuran Kara Pilekhvarian, visited the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

During the visit, the guests met with the first vice-rector of the university – prof. J.Eltazarov. At the negotiating table, the parties discussed further prospects for the development of relations between universities, mutually beneficial exchange in various fields, opportunities for cooperation in the field of protection and restoration of cultural monuments, as well as their restoration and other questions.

A study tour of the university was organized for the guests. The university library received special attention, in particular, the shelf of Turkish literature. The guests assured that soon the Yildiz Technical University and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Turkey would send books on the culture, history and tourism of Turkey.

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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