

On May 6 of this year, a meeting was organized with the participation of the women's council of the university and active members of the club of leader-girls under it, as well as with the participation of graduates of the 46th general education school of Samarkand, in order to increase the culture of reading in families, to widely promote the idea of "Reading family, reading mother and reading child" in the regions. Firstly, the work to be done on the basis of this idea was defined at the meeting. Then in questions and answers about the heroes of the book and the work, a conversation was held with the reading youth, which they read with love.

With the end of the academic year in high schools, most graduates have a desire to pursue a prestigious and bright career in the future. In such a situation, the visits of graduates to our university become the stimulus for their wish to study in such a modern campus.

Recently, the graduates of school 22 - 46 - 45 of Samarkand visited our university.  The graduates, having closely familiarized with the conditions created in our university, closely communicated with the student youth. Head of Marketing and Recruitment Department O. Rustamov gave them all the necessary information, closely acquainting them with the life of the university.

Tuesday, 07 May 2024 10:39


Guest speaker: Mr. Raji Ahlimanzada, General Manager of Mercure Bukhara Old Town Hotel, the best GM 2024 by National Hoteliers Association

Topic: Hospitality Professional - a story to share and inspire for young generation.

Moderator: Dr. Artem Klykov, Professor of Tourism Department

Time: 11:00-12:00, May 14, 2024 (Tuesday)

Venue: Lecture Hall 229

Tuesday, 07 May 2024 10:19

Attention our female students!

If you need legal advice, you can get the necessary advice and guidance at the " Psychological and Legal Counseling Day for Women", which is held at our university every Friday of the week.

On May 6 of this year, together with M. Abbasova, Chairperson of the Women's Council of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage and N. Abduvokhidova, Head of the Department of work with youth and organization of events, was organized a meeting of students with experts from the field of "Women's hygiene and negative consequences of a healthy lifestyle and early marriage".

At the meeting, the organizers of the event gave lectures on such topics as "The essence of documents on preservation of reproductive health of citizens", "Hygiene of a girl - the basis of a happy life", "Our supporters of a healthy lifestyle".

At the event, M. Mustafakulova, a university doctor, and D. Mamatova, a doctor of the central multidisciplinary polyclinic of Samarkand city, gave a number of important and necessary recommendations on the topics "Hygiene pledge of girls' health", "Early marriages and early births and negative consequences of marriages between relatives".

At the meeting, the responsible persons gave such concepts as family, marriage, its main function, and also gave answers to the questions of interest to the students.

Tuesday, 07 May 2024 09:59


On May 8 of the current year at 15:00 in the auditorium 108 of the university, in accordance with the plan of scientific seminars conducted by independent researchers, PhD students of the 3rd year, studying in the institutes of postgraduate education of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, we invite everyone to the individual seminar of Asadova Aziza Olimjonovna on the completion of the thesis work of the basic doctoral student of the university on the theme "Improvement of organizational and economic mechanism for the development of nostalgic tourism in Uzbekistan".

These days, on the basis of the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan PP-5270 dated October 30, 2021, a tour to the exhibition of archaeological finds of the Emirate of Sharjah, which is held in Art Residence under "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, is organized for students of general secondary schools and higher education institutions of Samarkand.

In order to familiarize with the activities of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage during April, May of the current year, to further increase the interest of young people in art, books and higher education, an excursion is organized for the pupils of graduating classes of 10th, 34th general education schools, during which the pupils return with great impressions.

On May 3 of this year, the Department of Scientific Research and the Office of the Dean of the Faculty held a seminar to define the candidates among our students for the 2024 Presidential Scholarship and Named State Scholarship competitions and what form they will be submitting their applications.

A group of PhD students of our university took part in the conference "International Management Asia-Europe" at HTWG Konstanz University in Germany.

Leading professors from such countries as Germany, China, Vietnam, Indonesia and the USA, as well as PhD students actively doing research work took part in the conference. As part of the conference proceedings, researchers of our university made presentations of a number of their research papers.

   - As a doctoral student of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, I participated in this prestigious international conference and closely communicated with doctors, professors and researchers of foreign countries and gained even more knowledge and qualification within the framework of my scientific work, - says researcher D. Mardonova.

As we have already reported, within the framework of the ongoing conference on May 3-4 at "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, participants of the international scientific-practical conference "Innovative approaches in the study of language, literature, translation, tourism and cultural heritage on Silk Road" hold a series of lectures on the theme of the conference.

Academician H. Ibraimov, director of the T.N. Kori Niyazi Research Institute of Pedagogical Sciences of Uzbekistan, professor of the Turkish Language and Dialects Department of Ege University Ibrahim Shahin (Turkey), professor of the Russian State University for the Humanities (Korea) Kim Hye Ran, professor of the Tashkent State Pedagogical University Barno Abdullaeva and others took an active part with their speeches.

Not only scientists from our country, but also scientists from foreign countries, teachers and young researchers of more than 300 specialties from various higher educational institutions, research institutes and production enterprises of our country took part in this international conference.

The conference received about 100 articles from foreign countries and about 300 from our scientists, and 259 of them with the highest scientific results and recommendations were sorted and accepted. For each article accepted to the conference, a DOI number was obtained and it was indexed in several international databases.

The conference is continuing its work.

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