

The first negative results of climate change can be observed since the drying up of the Aral Sea in the 1960s.

On the initiative of the Ministry of Ecology and Climate Change, during the second ten-day period of April of this year, a group of qualified artists from Uzbekistan, Latvia, Georgia, Egypt, Kazakhstan, South Korea and the UK visited Karakalpakstan in particular Munak and saw this tragedy with their own eyes. All the impressions that the artists saw at the site of the Aral Sea were captured on paintings in the Art Residence art workshop under "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

This rate served as the basis for the creation of the first exhibition of the art residency "Footprints on the Sand" dedicated to the destruction of the Aral Sea. The opening day of the exhibition, dedicated to the creative examples of these talented artists, was organized yesterday, April 28. Along with a group of artists, representatives of the regional administration, organizers, university professors and students, and media representatives, bloggers took part in the exhibition. First, the speakers at the event spoke about the importance of the fact that the Aral Sea is a problem not only for one country, but for the whole world, and that the artists represent this tragedy in their own time. After that, South Korean artist Kweon Jongchan painted a huge volume of the image of a shark and the living world that once inhabited the Aral Sea in the courtyard of the "Art-Resendia" building.

After that, an exhibition of creative works by great artists from 7 countries in about thirty different genres dedicated to the island tragedy opened.  The exhibition will last until July this year.

 “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage and Wakayama University in Japan have an exchange student program. Two of our students, Kadorkin Karim (Hot 122) and Otabekov Diyorbek (Log 122), were sent to Wakayama University in April 2024 as part of this program. These students choose to learn about and become proficient in Japanese language and culture during the 2023–2024 school year. Our students study other specialized areas and hone their Japanese language abilities at Wakayama University for a year. We hope that our students will succeed academically and that universities will collaborate in science and culture.

The students of our university receive in-depth knowledge and skills from local and foreign professors in the field of tourism and cultural heritage.

Along with learning theory, a trip was organized to the Museum of Religious Tolerance and the Uzbek and Chinese heritage exposition in our city to learn about them on site and visit historical monuments and museums together with our tutors. During this trip, the youth students were familiarized with various exhibitions in the museum, ancient coins, and landscapes as part of five important initiatives.




On April 26, professors and lecturers of the Department of Tourism of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage visited the exhibition of archaeological findings of the Emirate of Sharjah.

The exhibition presents more than 170 archaeological finds related to the history of relations between Arabia and Central Asia, as well as to the period of the Emirate of Sharjah from the Neolithic to Islam.

On April 25 of this year, the Women's Council of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage and the department of youth work and organization of events of the university organized a round table on "Further strengthening the role and status of women in the management of the state and society".

First Vice-Rector D. Nasimov opened the event by delivering a lecture on "Opportunities created for women in the new Uzbekistan". 

During the event, N.Sattorova, an inspector on important errands of the Department of Legal Prevention of the Department of Internal Affairs of the region, gave a lecture on the topical problem of premature prevention of offenses and crimes among women in society.

Friday, 26 April 2024 09:33


On the defense of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in economics dissertation of Ostonov Utkir Yangiboyevich

Ostonov Utkir Yangiboyevich - defends PhD dissertation on “DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL TOURISM AND IMPROVEMENT OF ORGANIZATIONAL AND ECONOMIC MECHANISMS” in the direction 08.00.17 – “Tourism and hotel activities” at the scientific council DSc.33/01.02.2022.I.145.01 under “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage on April 27 at 10.30 pm.

Thursday, 25 April 2024 13:25


On April 26, 2024 at 3:00 pm, an offline seminar on courses useful for scholarly activity will be held at "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

 Professors, doctoral students, master's students, and talented students and teachers who want to enhance their academic activities are invited to participate in the seminar.

Seminar venue: University Building, Auditorium 108

Our university regularly organizes sporting events for young students studying not only full-time but also part-time.

This week there was a mini-football competition between the teams of students studying part-time at "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. In the past mini-football competition, interesting and full of contests, the strong and hardy teams won, and according to the results of the game, the winning teams were awarded by the organizers.

On April 19 to 22 of this year, a major academic forum was held in Quanzhou, China, over 120 scholars in the fields of tourism and cultural heritage from more than 30 universities and institutions from China and other countries attended this forum. The forum was on the topic "The Second "Dialogue between Camel Bells and Sail Shadows" Silk Road Tourism Development and Mutual Learning of Civilizations". The scientific forum was held at Huaxiao University, and Tony Zou, Vice Rector of Science and Innovation of "Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage" also participated and delivered a speech. In his speech, the professor of our university became notable for talking about the origin of the concept of "Silk Road" and its history, and also clarified some misunderstandings by summarizing the opinions of European, Indian and Chinese scholars about it.

These days, as part of five important initiatives launched by our President, an excursion to historical monuments of our city was organized to organize the free time of our young students in a meaningful way and to interest them in further study of our history. 

Basically, a group of first-year students visited the mausoleum of Amir Temur to have a closer acquaintance with the heritage inherited from our ancestors.


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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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