

On 2 April of this year, the women's council of our university organised a master class on "Learning to cook our national cuisine" as part of the "Culinary Secrets" club.

The guests of the master class were active women teachers of our university. The chairwoman of the women's council of our university told the participants of the master class about the secrets of delicious cooking of Uzbek national dishes, because the cuisine of each nation embodies the culture, history and ancient traditions of its state. Also during the master class, the teachers shared their experience with the students about the history of our national dishes and salads, the processes of their preparation and the secrets of making sweets.

On April 4 of this year, a training seminar for faculty and researchers was organized at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. Deputy Director of the Samarkand branch of Tashkent State University of Economics Farkhod Akhrorov was invited to the seminar.

During the seminar, Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor Farkhod Akhrorov spoke about modern requirements for scientific and practical projects published by foreign donor organizations and how to prepare proposals for grant projects.

On 3 April, a meeting with tourism enterprises operating in Samarkand region was held at "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. The meeting, led by the deputy governor of the region, R. Kabilov, was attended by organisations responsible for the tourism sector and hotel managers. At the event, A.Sultanov, Head of the Horika Department of our university, expressed his firmness in such issues as establishing permanent cooperation between students of our university and organisations working in the tourism sector, ensuring the participation of students in practical processes. All questions were discussed at the meeting, their suggestions and comments were listened to.

For reference, currently our university has co-operation agreements with more than 300 hotel enterprises and companies.

The responsible employees of the Marketing and Recruitment Department of our university held a meeting with the students of the graduating classes of the 17th general education school of Samarkand. At the meeting, the pupils were provided with full information about the specialities of interest to young people in the field of tourism and cultural heritage. It aroused great interest among the pupils of the graduating class, they asked what prestigious universities our university co-operates with abroad, what opportunities are open to the pupils. These questions were also answered in detail.

Thursday, 04 April 2024 15:27

League of Young Student Readers

The "League of Young Student Readers" competition was announced among the students of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. If you are interested in reading books together with your fellow students, hurry up! Urgently take part in the university stage of the "League of Young Student Readers", forming a team of six people with your friends, and get a ticket to the national stage.

The period of registration of teams for participation: from 1 April 2024 to 10 April 2024. To register, teams need to submit an application form to office No. 235.

The conditions of the competition are as follows

Condition 1 - "" A piece of work that I love ".

According to this condition, one of the team members gives a 3-minute annotation of a work he/she has come to love, entitled "the work I love". The judges score this condition on a 1 to 10 point system.

Condition 2 "The most knowledgeable reader" - questions and answers.

In this case, 30 questions and answers from the life and works of Jadid are held between the contestants. All teams are asked the same question at the same time. The team members have to write down their answers on paper within 1 minute. A score is awarded for a single question on a system of 1 point to 30 points.

Winning students and their parents who took the first, second, third places are awarded with diplomas of the university administration.

We ask all talented and book-loving students to take an active part in this competition!

Thursday, 04 April 2024 14:44

Student Safety Day

Together with responsible persons, teachers of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage and Zafar Abdullaev, local prevention inspector of the Samarkand Department of Internal Affairs, a preventive event was held in the student dormitory and the university. This event is one of the activities specially conducted to prevent the commission of various offences against the life and health of students living and studying in the dormitory, to prevent the illegal importation into the territory of the university and the dormitory of objects and substances not provided for by law of various degrees of severity.

During the event, responsible persons monitored the security cameras in the student dormitory and the university building, the time of entry and exit through the turnstile, and the participation of young students in the educational process.

Wednesday, 03 April 2024 16:36


On April 4th of this year, at 15:00, a seminar titled “Project Preparation and Submission” will be organized in room 229 of the Tashkent State University of Economics, Samarkand branch, by the deputy director Farhod Ahrorov. We invite all professors, researchers, and staff to this seminar on the subject.

Scientific research department

On March 29, members of the Chinese delegation led by Mr.Mo Weigang, General Manager of Xinjiang Human Resources Group of China visited "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.  Prof. Tony Zou, Vice Rector of Scientific Affairs and Innovation of our university, welcomed the guests. At first, the members of the delegation familiarized with the conditions and opportunities created in the national costume gallery, library, classrooms, as well as in Samarkand Academy of Tourism and Art Residence of the university. Mr. Tony Zou, Vice-Rector of our university, and Mr.Mo Weigang, General Manager, held a dialogue on further cooperation.

It is worth mentioning that Xinjiang Talent Development Group was founded in October 2023. It is a market-oriented and state-owned platform that implements the talent policies of the autonomous region's people's governments and coordinates the development of the talent industry in the whole region.

Gastronomic tourism occupies an important place in the sphere of tourism. Each nation has its own national cuisine. In order to develop gastronomic tourism by promoting similar national dishes, popularising the national dishes of the peoples, an exhibition "I-international intercultural national dishes" was organised at our university on 2 April of this year. On the day of the evening of national dishes, the participants of the exhibition performed national dishes reflecting the culture of their state.

It is known that today young people from countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Greece, Turkey, Iraq, Russia, China, Bangladesh, Iran, France, Egypt are studying at the university in master's programme. At the event, international and local students, master students, presented national dishes and national costumes belonging to their state, culture characteristic of their people. Undoubtedly, plov, considered the national meal of our people, was also prepared and served to the table. These events are important because they contribute to the unity and socialisation of local and foreign young students.

On days March 4-13 of 2024, Elnurjon Tuychiev, a teacher of the "Tourism" department of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, participated in the course "Emerging issues in World Trade Organization and International Trade" organized by the center of WTO studies at the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT) in New Delhi, the Republic of India. In this course, he became familiar with the theoretical and practical knowledge of the main tasks, goals, and principals of international settlement of the World Trade Organization.

The knowledge and experience acknowledged in this course as a teacher of "Tourism" department at "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage serve as a basis for a new approach to teach students about improving trade relations in the process of globalization in the tourism sector, the current and anticipated international principals in WTO and GATT.

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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